don't give up

Florine 2022-10-21 01:46:16

Speaking of the heroine, she is a college student with good grades, beautiful sunshine, gentle and lovely, has a group of dead girlfriends, and a boyfriend who lives together. She lives a carefree and happy life, and sends WeChat Moments all day. , posting all kinds of selfies, food, parties... The number of friend requests in the circle of friends is rising.
One day, a strange girl in black came into the class. She was shy and shy, with a black hat on her head, and she never communicated with others. At this time, our heroine greeted her politely like this girl out of sympathy or curiosity. Whoever comes first, this sentence is a good gesture, this girl strongly shows the act of being a good friend with the heroine. I took the initiative to add the heroine's WeChat, and the heroine found out that the girl's friends in the circle of friends were 0 out of politeness, and she always sent some dead, severed fingers... messy things, this girl always warmly chats with our heroine on WeChat Chatting, our hostess is just polite.
The heroine's birthday is coming. The girl volunteered to participate in the heroine's birthday party, but our heroine's best friends did not like this withdrawn girl, so our heroine rejected the girl's request. Lie to this girl that the birthday party is only for me and my boyfriend.
On the birthday party, our heroine took photos with her mobile phone, and she was not happy with her girlfriends and food. She even posted it on a circle of friends, and that circle of friends was seen by the girl. The next day, the girl asked the hostess why she lied to herself in the restaurant. During the questioning, the hostess accidentally took off the girl's hat. It turned out that the girl was bald, and the girl left with all kinds of anger.
That night, the girl sent a message to the heroine: I will make you be as lonely as me. The next day, the heroine heard that the girl had committed suicide, and then even more strange things happened.
The female lead's circle of friends inexplicably forwarded the video of the girl's suicide, and the classmates accused the female lead of being unloving. The heroine deleted the video but found that it couldn't be deleted, nor could it be removed from her friendship with the girl.

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Friend Request quotes

  • Kobe: Are you going to die for her, because we're all going to fucking die for her

    Kobe: I'm sorry

    [stabs Laura]

    Kobe: but you can't be lonely when your dead

    [last lines]

    Kobe: Hi

    Kobe: [on Marina's death] It wasn't a suicide... it was a ritual sacrifice

  • Det. Cameron: You know a lot of dead people Miss Laura

    [last lines]

    Det. Cameron: Really?