A very hot and loving boxing match

Tre 2022-03-20 09:01:30

I was fortunate enough to watch "Tekken" for half of the time. After watching the Olympics and then watching this movie, I feel... It's really different. I don't know if it was too early because of the lack of people in the theater. I watched this movie very much, and I burst into tears three times and burned twice.
The little girl's acting skills are really good (forgive me, I can't remember the name of Wei Guoren), and she expresses her emotions very well. When she went to the cemetery to see her mother, the tears she had restrained for a long time really touched me.
The muscles of the leading role were really ignored by me, because "lewdness" is not my style, hehe~he~.
But the six-week training camp saw my blood burn, and the training of various strength training skills made me particularly excited, who had learned Sanda. Boxing is usually considered to be violent + cold-blooded, but in this film, pre-match training, emotions, and emotional changes are carefully added, including the coach's elaboration of his movement requirements, which makes it easy to understand. A boxing match, which I think is more valuable.
People always have to go through something to grow up. Luckily enough, Billy has friends who are willing to help him, a daughter who has a spiritual sustenance, and a good teacher who leads him out of the slump and toward the glory, and also to yesterday's teacher. Festival gift, thank my teachers, flowers + applause

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Southpaw quotes

  • Angela Rivera: You on any form of medication?

    Billy Hope: I took some Advil. You're gonna write that down?

    Angela Rivera: Mmm-hmm.

    Billy Hope: "He took some Advil. He can't see his kid"?

  • Billy Hope: When I was twelve years old there was this little girl, she was skinny, she had ratty hair, she had been through it. She stuck with me when I was incarcerated a couple of times, and I knew she was there. I wouldn't be here without my wife Maureen.