After the indiscreet view, the famous general is like a beauty

Alvena 2022-03-24 09:01:34

(Spoiler alert ahead, please go to the theater to watch the English 2D version before reading this article. As a yardstick for special agent films, a major feature of the "Bourne Bourne" series is that the hand-held camera shakes and shoots action scenes, plus this one has a lot of night scenes , The original version of the film was shot in 2D. Please don't condone the evil deeds of forcing 3D in order to make money.)
Every man has the heart of an agent.
"I remember everything." At the end of the short title, Bourne's dictation came from the audio, and such a line appeared below the black screen.
After entering the venue, I took a closer look. Many of the venues came alone. They didn't bring a bunch of snacks, you, me and my couple, and they didn't use household non-disposable chopsticks to eat the spareribs and wontons in the thermos cup while taking care of the little grandson. grandpa. 2D screenings are for die-hard fans, and part of those who can’t put Bourne away on workdays is lonely.
"If everyone can understand you, then you are so mediocre and boring!" The little girl in the kitchen screamed with a sense of superiority that my brain waves were not on the same channel as others, it was a baby from Mars At times, I bowed my head and smiled bitterly.
Some time ago, I downloaded and rewatched the first part, because I liked the ginger-headed Matt Damon so much in the first part. Waking up on a fishing boat outside the port of Marseille, he can't remember everything in the past. He is honest and he sleeps rough in the snow at night. I fell asleep on the bench in Zurich Park, but my brain relies on muscle memory. The two patrolmen KO also disintegrated the gun subconsciously grabbed in their hands. This quick action processing shot has the shadow of the Japanese action movie "Zatoichi". I had to flip it over and over several times to see the details of the fight. At dawn, he was stunned and single-handedly disturbed the US embassy in Zurich with an innocent face, relying only on a walkie-talkie that he grabbed at random, and of course, with his agile skills and possessed by gods, he roamed around the chaos. It is like an invisible consciousness. This episode was used in several later episodes. In the fifth episode, I met the blonde girl in the riots in Athens Square (she was in exile without makeup and was a bit disabled. The first few episodes were good when she was working as a back office worker in a foreign agency of the CIA. I thought it was the successor heroine), Paddington Square met the bald brother and met Kanmei, the Vegas hotel banquet hall rescued Kanmei and the Facebook founder double kill to avenge the murder of his father, these three climaxes are Bourne The embodiment of consciousness, I personally think that this is Bourne's most terrifying ability to control the field.
The way to switch scenes in the "Bourne Bound" series is to release perspectives and iconic buildings, which are marked with hacker fonts on the screen.
In the first scene, Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland at night, the back of the dark-haired woman in front of the big iron gate, jeans, I thought it was Kanmei, and the camera cut to her face with unbearable makeup and rotten skin. Oh, it turned out to be a blond girl." In the first book, Bourne taught a gypsy girlfriend who was out of control when she was fleeing in Paris to change her hair and dye her hair so that she didn't look conspicuous, and the blond girl from the CIA dyed her blond clothes. The makeup is casually clean and moving without the Parisian white-collar workers. In the first scene of the duo of Alpha duo sunglasses in Paddington Square, I complained, "What are the braids of the cannon fodder secret service staff in the cliffs".
"Essette asked me to come." Say a name and enter the big iron gate, the details are not sloppy.
Servers and cables are piled up behind the big iron gate. Here is a popular science, the cold climate of northern Europe is conducive to heat dissipation, so the world's major IT giants have set up servers in northern Europe, and northern Europe is a stronghold of hackers.
The second scene, Greece, bumps the van on a dusty wasteland road, and when I watched the trailer I thought it was in Africa and was full of anticipation. It's not bad to set it as Greece with an economic crisis and turmoil. After all, the novels are all set in Europe, and it's not good to move to Shanghai with the crowd!
Only when I got out of the car did I know that Bourne started to play wild boxing. After stripping off the upper body, there is a close-up of two bullet scars on the left back. If you like this series, please watch the beginning of the first part. It is said that people with gunshot wounds are basically ruthless characters. Then Byrne knocked out his opponent with a straight left punch. When I watched the trailer, I guessed that Byrne was being controlled by warlords or the like in Africa, and was forced to participate in prison fights. I didn't expect it to be wild boxing, because I felt like the blonde girl felt that it was abusive for Bourne. I read on Zhihu that special forces who have trained for five years cannot beat fighters who have trained for five years, because fighting is only a small part of military training. After seeing the last hand-to-hand fight in the film, I thought that it would be very useful to fight wild boxing, how about counter-killing!
I don't know if the CIA headquarters can accurately black out the power grid on the other side of the earth in reality.
The third scene, Virginia, Langley, the CIA headquarters building, Kanmei appeared, very strong.
The first Kanmei movie I watched was , and later I found out that she was Fa Shark's girlfriend.
"It's a pity that I don't have breasts." I think this is the mental activity of most men when they first meet Kanmei.
Now that I think about it, maybe it's the lack of breasts that makes Kanmei so special. If she has a pair of black widow-like breasts, maybe she will only be a very mediocre actress.
The whole movie of Kanmei is the image of an ambitious CIA female office worker. There is not a single frame of private life, and her long hair is always wrapped in clips. Hey, I want to see Kanmei's long hair fluttering.
Thinking back to Kanmei's beauty, I can only say special, and the slightly hoarse, sexy and sultry voice that I just started to notice in this movie. I still remember that this year's Oscar Kanmei won the Best Supporting Actress for "Miss Denmark", and she left the French Shark to accept the award and held the golden figure. She couldn't control her breath and could not speak.
Looking back now, Kanmei and Xiaolu are quite similar, especially their skin color and eyes. The girls you like really have something in common!
In the race car chase in the alleys of Athens, there was a voice in my heart that kept saying, "If Damon was on a skateboard, I would watch this movie on my knees".
The blonde, like Bourne's gypsy girlfriend, was shot by a sniper rifle in Bourne's co-pilot, leaving Bourne alone.
Killers kill innocent people indiscriminately. According to the routine, it is definitely impossible to end in a good way. The actor who plays the killer seems to be Monica Bellucci's husband, and this kid is very lucky!
The opera girl in Berlin sent a message that the Burn team had two minutes to arrive at the battlefield, and went directly against the water. But is it really okay to use an iPhone at work at the CIA? In addition, the CIA computer is sponsored by DELL, the team in Berlin drives the Audi Q7, the Land Rover parked behind the Audi in the UK, and the Chevrolet in the United States.
The drag racing scene in Vegas is destined to be won by Bourne, because he chose a new Dodge Charger. In the "Fast and Furious" series, Vin Diesel drove an antique Dodge Charger. The shot also features a close-up of the Bourne automatic gearshift.
Bourne's face in Paddington Square was bloodied when she first saw Kanmei, but she was not strong, and Kanmei showed the attitude of a little woman. What is it that your boyfriend is handsome? It will take a long time for you to realize that Bourne is a real man. It is very honest to say that you don't want to be physically!
The scene where the Vegas hotel killer sneaks into the scene has many backcourt shots, which made me a hotel person to find a sense of belonging, but all the shots were given to the food and beverage department and the management department without a kitchen, which was a bad review.
Byrne shook the killer's eyes out of the spotlight and fired a series of shots in the banquet hall to cause chaos. I was watching the hormonal surge in this main scene, and suddenly there were fans fighting on the left side of the movie theater. I couldn't bear to leave the screen, so I don't know if the melon eaters fighting in the movie theater were arguing for Damon and Fa Shark. Don't argue, of course it's Damon! It is estimated that this paragraph is too exciting, and the fans in the conflict are silent for a while.
Byrne was hit in the right flank by the CIA director's pistol at close range without losing his ability to move. He must have been wearing the first body armor of that kind. Maybe it was prepared by the caring little girl. Kanmei shot and killed the old guy who occupied her position. When Kanmei looked through Bourne's file, there was a line that "must have the ability to kill unconditionally". Kanmei estimated that she was a little nervous because she didn't kill many people. Bourne took it slowly in the past. With the gun in her hand, Kanmei left her fingerprints on it and said thoughtfully, "You haven't appeared here before." The two looked at each other affectionately. I thought Bourne kissed him directly. Kanmei would not refuse! Beast, what are you thinking, the enemy is not full of revenge for his father and only wants to attack other people's girlfriends!
At the end of the peaceful lake in American Park, the two looked at each other. I thought to myself that this time we were finally together and we were going to kiss, but it was a pity that Kanmei was so focused on her promotion that she lost her sexuality and she said, "I Think about it." He walked away without looking back.
Bourne flew from Heathrow Airport to Vegas under the cover of Kammei, and the Immigration Bureau said "Welcome home" bald, Bourne must be moved! Kanmei knew that Byrne had always been patriotic in his heart.
In the end, I didn't get up after turning on the lights in the theater for the first time, because I wanted to listen to the ending song Extreme Ways, and there were a lot of melon eaters listening to it with me. Reluctant to leave.
The director of the CIA is played by the old sheriff in "No Country for Old Men". He asked the killer to kill Kanmei. How could you be so good at such a beautiful girl?
Since ancient times, famous generals are like beautiful women, and they are not allowed to see white heads in the world. Bourne's white hair makes people feel distressed. Secret agent, Old Wuwu is much more handsome than Youth Invincible.

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Jason Bourne quotes

  • CIA Director Robert Dewey: 32 kills, Jason. Every one of them made a difference. People all across this country are safer because of what you did.

  • CIA Director Robert Dewey: What's happening Heather

    Heather Lee: Alpha team isn't responding

    CIA Director Robert Dewey: Bravo?

    Heather Lee: Still nothing

    CIA Director Robert Dewey: [knowing that the asset already killed Alpha and Bravo team] You've lost both teams? Get a grip on this operation Heather... That's Bourne... Green-light the asset