One or two senses of watching movies

Leola 2022-03-22 09:01:15

The return of the mummy continues the features of the previous movie, beauties and handsome men, adventures and myths, past and present lives. The plot of the story is connected to the upper movie, which is a bit new and has no slots. Just as a Hollywood commercial film, the special effects are not generally weak.
This sequel also puts an end to the three thousand years of love between Imerton and Ansuna. Like all traditional stories, everything about bad guys is bad, including love. At the end of the film, the tomb collapsed, just like the death god Anubis tested and punished their love. Those who pass live and losers die. In the end, Ansuna abandoned Emerton and ran away alone, and Emerton committed suicide in despair.

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The Mummy Returns quotes

  • Rick: [to Scorpion King] Go to hell, and take your friends with you!

  • Ardeth Bay: [on seeing Rick's tattoo] If I were to say to you, "I am a stranger traveling from the East, seeking that which is lost"...

    Rick: Then I would reply that, "I am a stranger traveling from the West. It is I whom you seek." How...

    Ardeth Bay: Then it is true. You have the sacred mark.

    Rick: What, that? No, that got slapped on me when I was in an orphanage in Cairo.

    Ardeth Bay: That mark means you're a protector of man, a warrior for God, a Medjai.

    Rick: I'm sorry. You've got the wrong guy.