a little different

Isabel 2022-03-26 09:01:04

It's a decent cartoon.
There's nothing unusual about it,
but it's very good in many places. For example, the handling
of the villain Little White Rabbit. For the male and female protagonists, well, it's not actually a movie with two male protagonists. It's paralyzed. boss dog's attention is also very good to draw attention to the pet aging and diseases of concern
to arrange for care of the household is politically correct plot is also very fond of this man save the Lord's plot
the film in addition to the cute pet show that also caused a serious problem
Can you really be responsible for your pets?
No matter whether they grow bigger than you expected, whether they no longer get your favor, whether they are old or sick, can you accompany them through their not-short life?
if u love them dont keep apet u have to keep them forever
ah ah ah ah I can't go on

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The Secret Life of Pets quotes

  • Snowball: Who are we? *Who* are *we*? We are the Flushed Pets. Thrown away by our owners and now we are out for revenge! It's like a club, but with biting and scratching.

  • Duke: Don't make me angry, because when I get angry, I do this...


    Duke: ... and I hate doing that.