Difference Between Citizen and Civilian

Cielo 2022-03-23 09:01:18

In the film, Jonny Rico, when asked for the first time what is a citizen and what is a civilian, answers:

"A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the communal politics, defending it with their lives, while civilians do not." body politic, defending it with his life, a civilian does not.")

After a few weeks of his service, he added:

"Citizens have the courage to take human security as their individual responsibility. "("A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility. )

That is to say, citizens take the responsibility of the state, but civilians do not; citizens are brave, but civilians do not; citizens defend the country, but civilians do not. In this division, the soul of the ancient Greek city-states echoes. Of course, not only in ancient Greek city-states, but also in those community organizations that defend human freedom and unity, there are such souls. We seem to hear Plato's distinction in the "Republic": the majority of the city-state are producers, and those outside the producers are guardians. In ancient Greek city-states, the distinction between citizens and commoners was equivalent to the distinction between nobles and commoners, and the distinction between free people and slaves. Nobles create order, commoners enjoy order; nobles go out to fight and make peace, and commoners produce and supply in the city.

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Starship Troopers quotes

  • Sky Marshal Dienes: We must meet this threat with our courage, our valor, indeed with our very lives to ensure that human civilization, not insect, dominates this galaxy *now and always*!

  • Carl: We thought there might be a Brain Bug on 'P'.

    Carmen: You knew and still you sent them?

    Carl: We couldn't afford to launch an operation if there wasn't one.

    [both Carmen and Johnny look at Carl with contempt]

    Carl: You disapprove? Well, too bad! We're in this war for the species, boys and girls. It's simple numbers. They have more. And every day I have to make decisions that send hundreds of people like you to their deaths.

    Johnny Rico: Didn't they tell you, Colonel? That's what the Mobile Infantry is good for.