Mr. Rico:
[hands Johnny a enlistment book]
This came for you today. I presume at your request?
Johnny Rico:
A lot of my friends are doing Federal Service.
Mrs. Rico:
Well you're not thinking of applying.
Mr. Rico:
Have you lost your mind I rather take and lashes in public square than to see you ruin your life.
Johnny Rico:
It's a term of service, it's not a career. I just want to get out on my own, see the galaxy for a couple years.
Mrs. Rico:
Johnny, people get killed in the Federal Service
Mr. Rico:
Who gave you this idea? Its that teacher isn't it you know the one I'm talking about what's his name?
Johnny Rico:
Mr. Rasczak.
Mr. Rico:
Rasczak? Silly name. There should be a law against using a school as a recruiting station
Johnny Rico:
No Rasczak doesn't do that at all. He sort of discourages you
Mr. Rico:
Well that's good. Because you're going to Harvard and that's the end of it.
Johnny Rico:
It's my decision, not yours.
Mr. Rico:
Oh, is that how it is.
Mrs. Rico:
Wait a minute you too Dad and I have a surprise for you that I think should settle this, can you guess what it is?
Johnny Rico:
Mr. Rico:
You said you wanted to see the Galaxy, how about a trip to the outer rings Zegema Beach, huh?
Johnny Rico:
I've... always wanted to go there.
Mrs. Rico:
Well good then it's all settled.