The most practical one-shot and movement adjustment method

Lela 2022-03-20 09:01:32

The most powerful blow, the uppercut, watched the gap come out, and quickly hit the chin with a punch, and KO directly.
out of gear

KO blow

A stun caused by a blow to the lower jaw. This is due to the strong stimulation of the large receptors distributed in the inner ear, which is a reflex phenomenon of the cerebellum and brain stem (red nucleus). Due to the breakdown of functioning, the boxer loses orientation, falls and loses consciousness.

There is also a detail here. During the rest, it can be extended to the usual time after intense exercise, and you will stop breathing subconsciously. At this time, you must consciously let yourself take a big breath and take a deep breath, on the one hand, to avoid harming yourself, anaerobic breathing Produce lactic acid; on the other hand, deep breathing can expand lung capacity.
big breath

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Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!