Dolly's Homecoming

Howell 2022-03-23 09:01:36

Growing a protagonist through a story is one of the fundamental tasks of a movie, but it's not easy to do in Finding Dory. As a protagonist with amnesia, Dolly is always lost in short-term memory, without long-term, coherent sadness and joy, how should it change and gain the emotional resonance of the audience?

For this question, the director found a good emotional entry point: through Dolly's repeated urgency, confusion, hope and loss in the process of looking for her family, he allowed the audience to gain compassion and sympathy from the perspective of God. mind. In the endless deep sea, a lonely little blue fish kept repeating the words and phrases in his memory, for fear that he would forget his way home if he missed it. But it still forgot, so it continued to talk to itself on the spot, not knowing why it was here, even forgetting its own wishes, just swimming in a daze, as if nothing had happened before.

But the audience will not forget, they have been accumulating these emotions for Dolly. These diffuse pity swayed around Dolly like seaweed, a flawed little fish, tightly affecting the hearts of the audience.

This moving comes from worrying about Dolly's fate, sympathy for her separation from her parents, and empathy for Dolly's situation. In the adult world, everyone probably has Dolly-like moments, alone in the world, not knowing what a certain choice will make him miss. It is precisely because the protagonist is unaware that this sadness is even more difficult to let go. The saddest thing about Dolly in the whole story is not being in danger, not getting what she wants, but the moment when she forgets what she was desperately trying to remember and grins like nothing happened.

It is easy for the audience to think that in real life, there are many children with various problems similar to Dolly, how those days of hope and despair coexist day by day, like Dolly's mother, while gently encouraging Dolly, and weeping anxiously for her future where she can't see? What if we had such a child, or if we were such a child ourselves?

Fortunately, the sadness in the movie turns into great warmth at the end - Dolly finds her parents. The seashells on the seabed lead Dolly to the direction of home, and at the end of the shells, its parents have been waiting for her. Despite the obstacles of thousands of mountains and rivers, love is an eternal beacon, guiding every lost child.

Parents love themselves deeply is the desire of everyone. I have seen many stories of people crying late at night, wondering if they were not loved enough by their parents, never valued, or lost their parents forever. Even if they are strong enough now, they will still become vulnerable because of these. Compared with them, Dolly is happy. It has a pair of gentle and firm parents who helped Dolly find her own trajectory and make her believe that she has always been and will always be loved.

From finding love to getting love, from anxiety over amnesia to accepting a flaw and living with it, this is how Dolly grew up. In this film, that growth is brilliantly displayed -- it replaces the missing pieces of Dolly's memory with the viewer's experience. Even though Dolly has completely forgotten about the underwater adventure, the audience has helped her keep those memories. In the process of watching the movie, they experienced all kinds of joys and sorrows along with the protagonist, and they were fully released at the end.

The story ends in a conversation between the clownfish Marlin and Dolly. The two fish looked at the deep sea side by side, not feeling relieved. Will the future be better? Don't know, because Dolly will still continue to suffer from amnesia and Marin will continue to be busy with her son Nemo. It's more like our real life - problem after problem and never really getting rid of stress. But after experiencing their respective stories, they found themselves again, and they are no longer afraid of anything.

As the sequel to "Finding Nemo", "Finding Dolly" maintains the same high level of storytelling as the first film, and has made great progress in special effects. There is also a relationship of inheritance and advancement in the spiritual core of the two films. If Nemo's story more than ten years ago was a fairy tale adventure with family and growth mixed with growth, Dolly's story is more like an adult's desire to talk after traveling through mountains and rivers. In fact, "Finding Dory" is both a family story and a journey of self-discovery. Hometown, parents, home, these themes with strong retrospective color make the film have the ultimate caring meaning of "who am I, where do I come from, and where do I go".

It is the instinct of everyone to seek the root consciousness and pursue the sense of value. Even Dolly, who has only a short memory, will embark on this journey because of a strong inner drive. Its choice is to swim and swim non-stop, and the extraordinary experiences along the way and its amnesia coexist, and achieve the perfection in its regrettable life. So what about us, will we find our own journey home?

This article was first published on the WeChat public account: Burning Expedition (TBC1096). Welcome to pay attention.

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.