Too much care to let go and fly

Abby 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Count Dracula, the vampire, killed his wife by human beings. He was full of hatred and fear for human beings, so he tried every means to keep his daughter away from the world. However, the young man's yearning for the outside world will eventually break through his father's protection, and what makes his father unacceptable is that his daughter falls in love with a human boy.

The core of the film's story is the father's change in his daughter from being overly caring to letting go. This resonates with me a lot. What father in the world who loves his daughter does not want his daughter to be safe from all dangers and potential dangers? However, once this kind of love is excessive, it will hinder the connection between the daughter (or son) and the outside world, and also cut off the source of nutrients needed for the healthy growth of the child, so that the child will always be his own good baby, but not a complete person. Isn't this out of jealousy of an imaginary rival? In the film, what the father tries to block is the difference between humans and vampires. In reality, it may be the difference of nationality, religion, culture, and household registration. From this perspective, paternal love (or parental love) is precisely selfish.

The most interesting part of the film is the display of werewolves, zombies, Frankensteins and other monsters and monsters, and they are actually afraid of people. In their experience, humans are the most terrifying, so they need a safe place like the Elf Inn, which is isolated from the world. This kind of setting that hemp sticks and fights wolves at both ends creates a lot of jokes for the film.

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Hotel Transylvania quotes

  • Mavis: Is it true, are you a human?

  • Martha: Your zing will come, cherish it my love, love mommy.