a good entertainment

Missouri 2022-03-24 09:01:23

This is a very qualified popcorn movie. Compared with the first one, the plot is undoubtedly pale and empty and cannot stand scrutiny, and there are no surprises after several reversals. But the rhythm of this film is undoubtedly tight enough, and the dispensable Macau scenes and various jokes that are closer to the Chinese are undoubtedly brought by Chinese investment Chinese directors. Many people don't like the new heroine. Although she has more shortcomings than the other team members, I think this heroine has more presence than the last one. At least I won't remember the image of the last heroine without looking for information. In short, the film is still handsome and funny. Although the suspense is much less, it is still worth going to the cinema to watch.

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Now You See Me 2 quotes

  • [Last lines]

    Thaddeus Bradley: [narrating] Seeing is believing, but is it truth? Depends on your point-of-view. Are you listening, horsemen? When you emerge, and you will, I will be there... waiting. Because mark my words, you will get what's coming to you... in ways you can't expect... but very much deserve. Because once thing I believe in is an eye for an eye.

  • Agent Cowan: The problem is, when you're two people at the same time, one of them is bound to trip the other. And when that happens, I will be there.