What am I looking at in thirteen years

Kody 2022-03-23 09:01:36

For Finding Nemo, the feelings are definitely there. I was about 6 or 7 years old when I saw this movie thirteen years ago, and I remember very clearly that it was the first time I went to the cinema to see it.

Thirteen years later, I went to the cinema to relive my childhood memories, and I also relived
my childhood.... ! !
Was it the same way when I was watching movies back then? No, definitely not! ! !

Of course, while being distracted, I did my best to watch the film with all my heart and soul.
To be honest, I really don’t remember the specific plot of Finding Nemo, but I only remember that it was my father Marin and Dolly, who I met on the way, looking for their son Nemo, who was caught in the middle. The most impressive thing is Dolly, because I have been forgetful since I was a child. For a long time, my parents joked that my English name should be called Dolly.

I was a little apprehensive before watching it, but I was also worried that I would be disappointed simply because I saw a lot of disappointing reviews on the Internet.
I was a little embarrassed and disappointed while watching it, because it seemed that the plot was very simple and clear, which was not what I expected. But on second thought, what am I expecting, the last time I watched it, I was a child, and this series is also a parent-child film. Do I ask it to be dark and connotative? After watching it slowly, I also realized that this is not a very innocent and simple story, and it can even be said that the theme behind it is quite gloomy and realistic.

When the phrase "rescue, treatment and release" appeared for the second time, I knew it was ironic. As a conspiracy theorist, I speculated that there was some kind of conspiracy to destroy the environment in the aquarium, but it didn't. Because looking back on all the scenes, I know that this is a realistic irony. The aquarium opened by the ocean is magnificent and beautiful, with white sand and clear water, but the waters separated by a wall are turbid, dark, grass, and fish. How many marine creatures have they "saved" and how many have actually been released, shouting "rescue, treatment and release"? Bailey, who believes that his biological sonar skills are faulty, and the whale shark, who is severely short-sighted, are destined to be a cute couple. They live in the big pool because they know they are sick, and their repeated speeches to tourists undoubtedly reinforce their self-confidence. Know. Every time I laugh at Destiny and Bailey's stupid and clumsy actions, when I see the very chicken soup "there are no walls in the sea", I still feel a sudden shock. I really didn't think about it. I was actually set up by the movie. When I see people whose habits or physiology are different from "normal" in daily life, will I treat them in the same way that I think is good for them?

If you think about it, from Nemo the big fin in the first movie, the forgetful Dolly, to Hank, Bailey, Fate and the silly seal and silly bird here represent the imperfect handicapped. The theme wasn't as obvious in the first one as it was in the second, and of course it was impossible for me to understand it at my age. This is also something that I only slowly remembered after seeing various film reviews. Speaking of the above environmental protection theme, which I can immediately sense when I watch it, there are two scenes that are quite impressive. At the beginning, Dolly took Marinimo to escape the pursuit of the giant squid and encountered a visit to the aquarium. There should be the same place between the cruise ship and the place where Dolly herself was washed out and returned to the sea. And when I watched it, I noticed that although the area was a little cloudy at first, it was still dark blue and bright, but later it became more dark and dirty. Dolly wandered around in a panic. I don’t think no one can see it. It's fun and easy, and it might drive some deep-sea phobias crazy.

I watch Dolly's constant forgetfulness and rambunctiousness and sometimes get bored and embarrassed, maybe because I've put it into modern society, most people live their lives with as little embarrassment and embarrassment as possible, don't I, myself It is also always embarrassing that she is always embarrassed (spreading hands) and Dolly's forgetfulness puts her in a situation where she keeps apologizing and asking for help, but also because of her forgetfulness, her embarrassment and inferiority will basically not exist for long. Do whatever comes to your mind, the best things always happen by chance, so it's her who catches it right away, and "what if it was Dory" has become one of the themes of Finding Dory.

In short, this is a very naive and childlike movie at first glance, but it is actually full of realistic meanings. Just look at it carefully after watching it. There are many children in the theater, but I noticed that the children didn't laugh as much as the adults. Maybe they couldn't understand it? It's still children who are no longer interested in such stories... Silently sad, the slow motion scene in the back is full of dramatic and absurd drama, but it seems that many people can't get it, and I almost died laughing at that time.

Of course, it does not mean that there are no shortcomings. In fact, there are quite a few shortcomings. Dolly's flashes of memories are too many, so that the feelings of the multi-line plot cannot be brewed. When I saw the radial shells, I was really moved, but it was not profound. , I think this is the place that could have moved me to cry. And in the later period, the preaching is more meaningful, and the ending.... is not very satisfactory. But overall I can safely say that after 13 years, I am not disappointed.

--------The dividing line between the hearts of romantic girls-----

Fuck Hank and Dolly are so CP-like! ! ! ! "It only takes two or three seconds for you to forget me, but it is very difficult for me to forget you." There my brain holes couldn't stop, even though I tried very hard to correct myself, it was just a new year! ! But the sense of _(:з"∠)_cp is still getting stronger and stronger! ! Later, I found out that Hank cv is the old man Jay of Modern Family! ! My brain can't stop anymore. . . . . .

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.