Maybe it's not the hottest June, but it's the best blockbuster

Kole 2022-03-23 09:01:36

"Finding Nemo 2" was written more than ten days after it was released. It is not a perfect time for a fresh movie to make a film review, but only by watching this animated feature from a little distance can we keep "not being extinguished by feelings, not being smothered by sunspots" The sober state of twisting the three views".

The "old" story does not mean that it is boring. This
film follows the storyline of the first film 13 years ago. The main story is similar to the first film, which is why this film is disliked by a large number of domestic audiences. , "Because it doesn't even change the story at all, don't expect me to have a good impression of it." This absurd logic is of course related to the increasingly clichéd commercial stories and the audience's exponentially increasing psychology of seeking differences, but The "oldness" of this film lies in the tradition of its values, not in the obsolete arrangement of its narrative and storyline.

The story line of the first part is a two-way search, that is, the father Marlin and the son Nemo complained about each other when they left, to the gradual reconciliation when they were looking for it, and then to the establishment of trust after the reunion. This kind of story line construction is indeed true. It gives people a clear and clear feeling, and the second part of this series has a more diverse narrative than the first, but it is not messy.

The film unfolds in Dolly's childhood memories, from short-term amnesia, an important story driving point in the first film, to the main driving point in this film, as Dolly searches through her fragmented memories to find My parents, the story officially begins.

If the story of the first part lies in the two-way construction of the emotion between father and son, then the second part of Finding Nemo is to realize the concept of "searching" with multiple lines in the category of "family".

First of all, the main line of Dolly's search for her parents is one, and the Marlins' search for Dory is another, and at the climax of the story, we know that Dolly's parents have been looking for her. During the period, the octopus's choice of the ocean and the aquarium, and the inner scenes of the characters such as the whale shark and dolphin's self-understanding, were also interspersed in a comedy way, so that the audience can enjoy the movie comfortably and happily. Get to the comedy point, and secretly realize that this is not just a funny cartoon.

The Deepening of the White Family Concept
The wasp culture in mainstream American culture (meaning White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, Protestant Anglo-Saxon-American) has a considerable impact on the native family view. If you are a movie fan who has been immersed in Hollywood movies for a long time, I believe that the motif of "family" in the "Finding Nemo" series should be deeply impressed. From "Little Miss Sunshine" to eliminate conflicts between family members through beauty contests, to "Interstellar", let the father and daughter Love communicates in a huge span of time and space. The theme of "family love" that exists in any type of film has begun to expand infinitely in "Finding Nemo 2", and has even become the only theme.

For those of us who grew up influenced by Asian Confucian culture, American white families are quite different. Children in the family are sheltered in the wings of their parents until they reach adulthood, but American culture has always advocated individualized education. Naturally Let the children germinate more different ideas, and even seek differences, and once the children reach the age of 18, let them develop freely in a "exile" style, and let individualism obtain the liberation of family ethics.

The protagonist in "Finding Nemo 2" is Dolly, a tropical fish with short-term amnesia under the protection of her parents since childhood, who suddenly encountered the impact of ocean currents and lost contact with her parents, symbolizing the infinite magnification of this independent growth. She wandered alone in the deep sea, Just like a female western cowboy exploring unknown mysteries in the wilderness, when one day she gradually recovers her childhood memories, this traceable gene is destined to emerge in her.

Where is the Hollywood animated feature film with a lot of laughs going?
In March of this year, Disney released the most popular animated feature film in the first half of the year, "Zootopia". It was only produced by Pixar in a few months. Disney's "Finding Nemo 2" came to people's eyes. Comparing the two excellent animated feature films, it is not difficult for us to find the similarities between the two, that is, the storyline in the animated feature film begins to fade gradually, while the comedy points in the animation are gradually accumulating. This trend is With the advent of the era of "entertainment to death", it slowly emerged.

If we go back and watch "Pinocchio", also produced by Disney in 1940, then this "big difference between ancient and modern" should not be found. "Pinocchio", as a classic Disney animated feature film, has the same theme of "family" or "family affection" as "Finding Nemo 2", but the difference is that the former has passed the "test of integrity" and "socialism". "The Good and Evil" and "Children's Innocence" are supplementary themes to enrich and even develop the main line of "family affection", but "Sea 2" uses a large number of entertaining "laughing fruits" to expand the story. It is said that although the story line of "Sea 2" is relatively rich, the singleness of this theme is still incomparable with the previous classic animated feature films.

This kind of "variation" in the content of animated feature films is also a kind of market-oriented cater to a certain extent. Of course, it is difficult to say whether it is correct or not, but the pure story line narration in our impression no longer meets the needs of the current film market. .

This article was first published on the public
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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.