Looking for Dolly, looking for family

Rogelio 2022-03-21 09:01:37

It has been more than ten years since the release of "Finding Nemo 2". Generally, a popular animated film like this will launch a sequel in at least 4 or 5 years. What is the reason that "Finding Nemo 2" has been brewing for so long It's a curious thing to just launch.
"Finding Nemo 2" is still a story about finding relatives, but Pixar, who has returned for more than ten years, is no longer the fun and amusing journey to find relatives. In "Finding Nemo 1", the story line is basically linear. At the beginning, Marin lost his child. He and Dolly met all kinds of strange and funny sea creatures along the way. In the end, they found Nemo, The family went home happily. The most important reason for the success of "Finding Nemo 1" is that the story is interesting enough, such as those sharks with Scottish accents from the Vegetarian Mutual Aid Society who like to complain, various accent stalks, and fish with different personalities in the fish tank, of course. The biggest credit goes to the forgetful Dolly. It is all kinds of funny and cute characters that fill Marin's son-seeking road, so the bottom of the sea 1 is so liked by people.
However, in Submarine 2, the protagonist is replaced by a blue fish with amnesia. Dolly's amnesia is her cuteness. It is an impossible task to let a fish with amnesia find her home. How should such a story unfold? Maybe the story team is also aware of this problem, so the whole story layout has changed from the previous single-clue narrative style. In Undersea 2, the two narrative threads of Dolly and Marin's father and son are going on at the same time. In terms of the theme and tone of the story, Submarine 2 has changed from the cheerful style of the previous one to a bit heavier. What impresses me most in Undersea 2 is that Dolly, who appears several times in the film, stands alone in the slightly yellow water, standing in the middle of the pillars with floating kelp or something, shouting hello full of echoes, that moment is huge. A sense of loneliness looms. Dolly has always been so forgetful and irrelevant that everyone ignores the huge tragedy of Dolly's character - she can't remember anything, which means she really has nothing. In Under the Sea 2, when Dolly shouted hello alone in the empty sea, imagine if she were an ordinary person, he would be as anxious, panicked, and frightened as Marin, but Dolly didn't, she was still stupid Shouting hello, it was precisely because she knew nothing, that made such a situation even more bleak.
Another theme that Subsea 2 focuses on is family. Nemo in Under the Sea 2 obviously regarded Dolly as her family, so when Dolly proposed to find her family, the innocent Nemo followed Dolly from beginning to end and supported Dolly. The cautious Marin had a disagreement with Dolly in the middle. Since then, the story line has been divided into two parts, Dolly, who went to find her parents alone, and Marlin and her son, who were looking for Dolly. Although the story lines are divided into two, the tone of these two story lines is exactly the same, that is, the understanding of the concept of family. After Marin separated from Dolly, only after Nemo's suggestion did he realize that his family is actually the one who follows you to find your loved ones without hesitation and risk, and for nothing. And Dolly realized through twists and turns that even if you forget everything, only your family and the little childhood song written by your parents for you will be deeply buried in your heart. You think you have forgotten, but when When you look for it with your heart, you will find that they are all replaced by shells arranged on the bottom of the sea. No matter how big the sea is, there are more fish, but each shell lays out for you one after another to guide you home. road.
When Dolly remembered that her mother told her in her childhood that they had paved her way home with seashells, and followed the seashells to find her parents' house, the radial seashell roads carried the deep love of her parents, even if You haven't heard from you for many years, and even if your life or death is uncertain, your family has left all the way home for you. In the movie, when Dolly looked back at the two black figures slowly swimming on the shell path, before Dolly could speak, her parents rushed up to hug her and called her name, sitting in the dark shadow In the hall, I was moved to tears involuntarily.
All in all, Submarine 2 is deeper and heavier than Submarine 1, on the subject of the story. The story of Submarine 2 mainly takes place in a marine research institute. Although there are many stories in the water, it gives people a completely different feeling from Submarine 1. In Subsea 1, although there are deep-sea fishing fish and terrifying jellyfish, the underwater world presented in Subsea 1 is beautiful and joyful, but in Subsea 2, marine garbage, yellow seawater, and the Oceanographic Research Institute , the film also seems to inadvertently hint at ocean pollution, as well as some realistic topics such as human wishful thinking (such as that touch zone, where children's hands are a disaster for fish).
It is also because of the splitting of the story line and the heaviness of the theme, which makes Submarine 2 less interesting than Submarine 1, so concentrated, some bland and some scattered. Some people say that Submarine 2 is not good-looking. To be precise, Submarine 2 is just not interesting enough, because compared to the purely interesting family positioning of Submarine 1, Submarine 2 obviously wants to cover some more in-depth topics. Just as "Toy Story 3" is full of very heavy themes, the most respectable thing about Pixar is that they always try to dig deeper into the topic in the sequel, which DreamWorks may need to learn. of. Of course, Submarine 2 generally weighs interest and depth, and it is indeed not as consummate as 1 in terms of grasping, plus the popular "Zootopia" is a very good movie in terms of interest and depth. Just off the file, these reasons make the performance of Submarine 2 not good enough in these two aspects, but you can't say that an animated film is not interesting enough and not fun enough, because fun and fun is never the only criterion for evaluating a movie, after all Pixar's animation often requires you to calm down and experience it slowly.
In addition, the characters in Submarine 2 are not enough to have a distinct role, regardless of the sea lions, sea lions and whales, they are far less impressive than the sharks in the first part. I hope Pixar can bring us the same stunning performance as "Mobilization in Toys 3" in the next Undersea 3, and also hope that the three Scottish vegetarian sharks will return again. Also, watch the last hints of the story, please don't pair Marin and Dolly together! And next time, can the protagonist change to something cute, such as the group of sea otters that can make people cute, or the two sea lions. After all, some people really hate octopuses.
All in all, Finding Nemo 2 is a well-made animation, and it's worth stepping into a theater to see Dory's story. Especially in this scorching summer day, there is nothing better than watching a movie about swimming in the ocean at the cinema.

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.