Tired of "chicken soup", come to a bowl of "fish soup"!

Summer 2022-03-21 09:01:37

Thirteen years ago, a clownfish named "Nemo" came into my sight. That was also the first time I knew what a clownfish looked like. Since then, Finding Nemo has become the best cartoon I've ever seen.

Thirteen years later, "Finding Nemo 2" was released. Although I have lost the childishness of the year, I also have more nostalgia for my youth. He also resolutely bought a ticket and walked into the theater, and spent a pleasant weekend with a group of chattering children.

But initially I refused to pay for her when I saw the promotion for the movie.
1. For example, from the name, I was greatly shocked - "Finding Nemo 2: Where Are We Going", I unconsciously remembered the melody of "Dolly Dolly~, where are we going~". (Hold me tight with the children's shoes that I sing!) Does it have to be translated like this?

2. When I saw that the slogan of the movie was "a forgetful fish, an unforgettable experience", I began to doubt whether the copywriting level of the publicity department was the level of the painless advertisements on the street-sign bus.
But I still watched it.

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beginning of the film and also the first to do a very clever interface, Dolly is looking for Mom and Dad when the accident Run into Marlin, who is looking for his son Nemo, and then it's the first thing. Subtitles appear "a year later" is the second real story. Those who haven't noticed or forgotten can go back and make up for the first one, after all, it was twelve years ago.
And this work, the story takes place a year after the first one ended. The protagonist changes from Nemo to Dolly, who suffers from short-term amnesia. From Marlin looking for Nemo, Nemo looking for Marin became Dolly looking for Mom and Dad, Nemo and Marlin looking for Dolly, Mom and Dad waiting for Dolly to come home. (I hope you can understand what I'm talking about)
Forgetful Dolly wants to find her parents, so she embarks on a family adventure.
Along the way, I encountered an octopus with a stealth bug.

The whale shark, which has bad eyes but can communicate with Dolly through the air, and the clairvoyant white dolphin, which can use the echo system.

Taking advantage of the sky-defying skills of these sky-defying friends, she carried out sea changing, saving her companions, racing cars, intercepting traffic, etc. In the end, Dolly found her parents, and everyone reunited in the finale.
Although there is nothing new, let’s think about it from a different perspective. When the mainstream consumers of the film are children, we can’t ask for twists and turns in the play of the film. As long as it is easy to understand, entertaining, and light-hearted and humorous to promote positive energy, it is enough for a group of parents to lead their children into the cinema.


surprise is that the newly added friends in the second part are enough to grab the show. Among them, the octopus, which can be invisible and disguised, supports all the laughs. The theater applauded and laughed for his many witty performances. The cute little sea otters that blocked the road melted my heart, and Pixar won another game in animation image creation. It feels like these little animals will become the next lightning sloths in "Zootopia".


Apart from the above-mentioned "cute" elements, the reason for this bowl of fish soup is more important. It is the director's grasp of the main theme. After all, Andrew Stanton, the guy who created various well-known Disney animations like Finding Nemo, Toy Story, Robot Story, and more. Each work must have emotional elements that can enhance the force of an animation. And "Finding Nemo 2" insists on the grasp of family affection, and balances the concepts of persistence and freedom in the eternal topic of family affection. For 13 years, we've seen Dolly mature, directors more thoughtful, Disney more sophisticated.

When Dolly found her parents' new home and saw the shell paths covered with shells from all directions to keep Dolly from getting lost, I knew the director had succeeded again. In addition to shaping physical elements such as hugs and words, external factors are used to capture the parents' affection for their children's return. This kind of touch can directly hit those children who are good at visualizing phenomena with the naked eye. For this family-friendly children's cartoon, parents have another reason to lead their children into the cinema.
This bowl of fish soup should not only be eaten by children, but also by parents.


The sequel after thirteen years did not give us too much surprise in terms of content, with a level of 70 points, but it can still be added to the shaping of feelings 10 points. We can't expect to be full of surprises for you every time. There has never been a second part of this series better than the first. Perhaps this long road to growth is the most worthy of our expectations. I hope that when "Finding Nemo 3" comes out, a few fish will stop looking for each other, because we expect that more exciting things will happen to these magical little fish.

Whether it's another thirteen years or not, I'll still walk into the theater and smile at them --
"Hi, we meet again."

… ・・・

Finally, I will give you a few Easter eggs. Pay attention when you enter the cinema.

1. There is a picture of a little girl posted on the wall of the isolation room. After watching the first one, you know how terrible this girl is...

2. The two sea lions are A1 and 13, and the last one appears The license plate of the truck is also CALA113. A113 is a classroom number at the California Institute of the Arts, and many animation giants come from this classroom, such as John Lasseter and Brad Bird. (This Easter egg appears in almost every Pixar animation!)

3. The voice of one of the truck drivers is Alexander Gould, who voiced Nemo in the first part, because now he has grown It's too big, so I can't play a child's voice.

You have to discover more Easter eggs by yourself. Let me tell you secretly, there is a big Easter egg at the end of the film (behind the closing subtitles). At that time, even if there is no one in the movie hall, even if the sweeper squinted at you why you still haven't left, you should resolutely insist on waiting until the end!

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Finding Dory quotes

  • [first lines]

    Young Dory: Hi. I'm Dory. I suffer from short-term remembory loss.

  • Young Dory: [sees purple shells, determined] Mommy loves purple shells.