Hammer, chisel, and smash

Jerel 2022-09-03 19:04:59

This is a documentary directed by the famous Michael Moore, who has filmed Fahrenheit 9/11, Medical Insider, Capitalism: A Love Story, Bowling in Columbine, etc., all reflecting profound national and social issues. This time, the documentary "Where to Invade Next" also reflects some of the shortcomings and weaknesses of the United States from the comparison between Europe and the United States.
In Italy, everyone gets close to two months of paid leave, while in the US there is not even paid maternity leave.
In France, students' lunches are well-designed, not junk food like Coke burgers and fries; students receive a complete sexual education from an early age.
In Finland and Slovenia, higher education is free, and a college student in his twenties does not need to take out loans to complete his studies.
Germany not only has a developed industrial system and strong trade unions, but they also have the responsibility to face the heavy history of the past. They understand what kind of historical responsibility it means to be a German.
In the Netherlands, drugs are legalized, which reduces the crime rate caused by drugs. In the United States, a large number of black people are arrested for drug crimes every year, and black people with criminal records are deprived of their right to vote. In some states , even one-third of blacks have no right to vote because of this, and prisons are perfect sweatshops, and "slavery" continues perfectly in prisons.
In Norway, the prisoners of the model prison are held by the picturesque riverside. There are only 5 guards for 115 prisoners. The prisoners can move freely in a fairly large area and have their own bedrooms. Norway has the world The lowest crime rate is 20%, while in the United States, this ratio reaches 50%. In Norway's high-security prisons, police are also not armed, and prisoners have their own bedrooms and even knives. The maximum sentence in Norway is 21 years. Norway also has the lowest crime rate in the world.
In Tunisia and Iceland, Michael Moore's perspective turned more to the political observation of equality between men and women. In 2011, the molihua revolution broke out in Tunisia and overthrew the dictator; Iceland is the first country in the world to produce a democratically elected female head of state. The first female head of state was born in 1980. The rights and status of women are guaranteed in Iceland, and the proportion of women on the board of directors of the company cannot be less than 40%. Meanwhile, after the Icelandic financial crisis, more than 70 bankers and fund managers were convicted, while after the US financial crisis, only one Muslim banker was imprisoned.
Michael Moore chose the good side of each country to reflect on the various dilemmas faced by modern American society. In retrospect, many of these good ideas came from the United States. Of course, we can also compare the ideas and practices of these countries with domestic ones, but from the perspective of differences, we have a long way to go. We should hold out hope for the future, that anything can happen, the Berlin Wall that was once thought to stand forever comes down, and all you need is a hammer and a chisel, and you keep smashing and smashing.

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Where to Invade Next quotes

  • Michael Moore: I am an American. I live in a great country, that was born in genocide and built on the backs of slaves.