polar love

Ocie 2022-11-29 08:21:11

The end of time is not doomsday, but the tick of no pointer, everything is frozen in this moment, there is no yesterday, there is no future. The end of the world is not the boundary of the universe, but the sprawl of the barbaric land, the familiar landmarks are like the surface of an alien planet, sometimes it is like a medieval legend, sometimes it is a nightmare in the dark night. The frozen wilderness of the Arctic is the end of time and the world.
The gloom of the endless night gradually receded, and the extreme day followed her footsteps closely. The short spring may be the only chance for a new life. On the snowy plains, the uncrowned polar king walks alone following the mysterious map in his mind, looking for his queen in the wind. Precious sunlight is melting the skeleton of the sea ice, and his hourglass of the countdown flies. He is an alert intelligence expert, he is a good hunter with cunning and tenacity, following her footprints in search. Female, bingo! Without cubs, bingo! People often look for the only soul mate among thousands of people, but polar bears are looking for the only opportunity in the ice sheet of thousands of miles. She took him to the top of the ice peak to stay and love each other. The brief sweet moment is over, and they part ways, perhaps never seeing each other again.
Some loves are childhood sweethearts and innocents without guessing; some loves are karmic encounters and passions; some loves are promises to support each other and hold hands. In the world of polar bears, we meet only for the sake of meeting, and we separate for the sake of separation. The lingering is momentary, and the loneliness is eternal. In the epic of Genesis, all things grow because of God's thoughts, tropical rain forests are colorful and murderous, temperate hills nourish life and pleasantness, polar bears seem to be night watchmen stationed at the border, only true warriors can experience the torment of the dark night, Hold fast to the burning of the day and sing the song of ice and fire alone.

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