Lovely details, disgusting story

D'angelo 2022-03-20 09:01:30

A film I have heard of for a long time, fresh, weird, dark humor, bleak tones, and warm plot. It's a pity that logic just doesn't allow me to accept it.

Imagine that one day you went into the mountains with your lover and a group of friends to collect samples. On the way, a bandit gang murdered and robbed you. One of them fell in love with you at first sight and killed your lover, but also protected you from being slaughtered. He dragged you into the bandit lair in the deep mountains, pursued you, pleased you, promised to protect you... Hehe, are you moved by this great love?

What's more, zombies still feed on humans, and the male protagonist can eat her boyfriend's brain while falling in love with a girl to get good memories between them.

I shudder. Compared with the wonderful movie "The Woman in the Deep Mountain", it just replaces the love for children with love between men and women. Is it Romeo and Juliet?

Popcorn movie can't be serious, just to commemorate the uncomfortable hour and a half of this movie

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Warm Bodies quotes

  • R: [voice-over] They call these guys Bonies. They don't bother us much, but they'll eat anything with a heartbeat. I mean, I will too, but at least I'm conflicted about it.

  • R: [voice-over] Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy.

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