vampire rules in movies

Dusty 2022-09-25 21:19:14

Each vampire movie has its own special settings.
For example, the unique setting of The Vampire Diaries is that if you are not invited, you cannot enter the main house. If the heart is pierced by wood, it will turn into blood, and it will be burned by sunlight, but you can avoid it by wearing a witch ring. The witch can use magic to deal with vampires. To create a balance, the death of the first generation of vampires will lead to the death of the n-generation vampires transformed by the vampire, and the vampires can choose to close or open their own humanity.
For example, the unique setting of Twilight City is that the skin of vampires will shine like diamonds in the sun. Many vampires have special functions. Just like the X-Men, vampires and humans can give birth to offspring.
For example, the unique setting of true love like blood is that vampires can infect hepatitis through blood and can eventually lead to death. When they are transformed, they remain in whatever form they are in (so vampire blood cannot make you beautiful), the second generation of vampires Will be sexually attracted to the Transformer and obey his commands unconditionally unless the Transformer disarms.
In our cognition, there are several commonalities in the settings of vampires: 1. It needs to suck blood or blood substitutes to maintain life; 2. The movement speed is extremely fast; 3. The power is great; 4. The body will not age until death; 5. It has blood-sucking fangs; 6. It can be completely destroyed by itself or others, and the body does not exist in the world; 7. The five senses are extremely sensitive.
It can be seen that why Twilight City is subject to so many fang-controlled endless complaints, because the rules are too out of the way, beyond the public's perception of vampires, and infinite girl heart.
This film also has creative play in the setting of vampire rules. First of all, there are no fangs, and blood-sucking relies on an ornament to cut the human skin. I doubt if it can be replaced by a fruit knife, can it work? Are accessories necessary for the plot or for being cool? Secondly, the second-generation vampires will age irregularly for no reason, and there are great individual differences in the ageing time. The third is that vampires cannot commit suicide. Once the second-generation vampires become old, they can only be put in a coffin and become a living dead. They have all five senses, but they cannot be turbulent and cannot commit suicide. Fourth, vampires are not afraid of the sun at all, and they can go out in broad daylight without fear of the sun.
Fifth, it is also the core setting of the film, the transfer rules of the characters after the blood, that is, whoever loves more, whoever dies faster; whoever is betrayed, whoever hangs up. After a thousand years of blood from Egypt, he made an eternal promise to his lovers one after another. While you were in love with me, he cultivated successors. Then when his lover got old, he abandoned his lover and threw him into the coffin. Ignore it, and then hook up with newcomers to change newcomers. In fact, if the blood queen can really abide by her eternal promise, she can continue with her lover. Do you live with a vegetative person for the rest of your life, what's the problem? A vegetative person is unconscious, and an aging lover still has all five senses. In every previous love, the blood queen was the one who first promised forever but abandoned the promise first. Because the blood queen's charm is infinite and invincible, when she says forever, no one will refuse to spend eternity with her, so the blood queen is very confident that the female doctor will also tell her the promise of eternity, and then have fun together through countless years until the end is near. Then the female doctor is so correct in her three views, she would rather die than become a monster, and she would rather die than promise forever with the blood queen. So she was betrayed after she said the blood of the eternal promise, and then caused a curse. On the contrary, the doctor who was bent on dying gained immortality and inherited the position of the second generation of blood queens.
So, in fact, this is a cautionary tale about love and commitment, mainly to warn us not to say forever, because you don't know when the other party will turn his back on you.

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The Hunger quotes

  • Miriam Blaylock: You're a part of me now and I cannot let you go.

  • John Blaylock: Dr. Roberts.

    Sarah Roberts: Yeah.

    John Blaylock: You Iet me down.

    Sarah Roberts: Beg your pardon?

    John Blaylock: You didn't beIieve me. You made me sit here for over two hours.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock?

    John Blaylock: You had your meeting to go to. Fifteen minutes, you said. You Iied. Just thought I was some ridicuIous oId crank.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock, wait, pIease.

    John Blaylock: Wait? I can't wait.

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