#Everything is out of time#but it's just right

Michael 2022-03-14 14:12:31

大地说#Some shadows of "Love Is", a little feeling of "I Love Paris", and a quiet and noisy Hong Kong.

Until the end, I found a trace of warmth from
nowhere #Not too strong, but almost drunk,
so I decided to record it, it will be updated with
some spoilers
(watching raw meat, if I understand it wrong)
Please sing

that nothing happened to me , It's like it's not raining, but the sky is full of dark clouds and the air is humid. The male and female protagonists seem to be looking forward to a spring rain,

— but was afraid of getting wet —

with the neon halo of the HK logo, the lights were feasting, Josh
had to say when he met Ruby , the beauty of HK in the night was hidden in the alleys, and the narrow alleys were dimly lit by the neon signs. Bright, the
camera blurs the street scene crowd, Josh and Ruby are walking in the middle, there is a feeling of being dissolved in the noise and quiet.

Ruby has a small dream of opening her own boutique. While engaged in toy design,
Josh has an MBA and a high income. With a dream of writing,

they have found common ground.
They are both on the road of reality,
but they also look forward to the roadside Great view.

1) The far east movement

Josh: Its a hobby, no one gonna pay me to write
Ruby: WOW, how can u fail with that find of attitude

# I mean, when ru 100% ready to do anything?

This may be the beginning of Josh爱上这位Ruby的原因,在人群之中被一位陌生女子痛揍了灵魂。
That lays the foundation for the ending of the movie.
#We never had full confidence to do those crazy things#

2) No soup for u

Josh: i quit my job
Ruby:what? when??
Josh: right after i met a sassy girl(Ruby) from L.Aallt

Josh has already embarked on his journey and it has only just begun.

It is worth mentioning that the lovely Wu Yaohan said to Josh
New love coming, i can tell it from the young lady.
the way u look at each other.
Maybe Wu Yaohan is not a good Fortune teller
but the old man's discernment and directness Bai's words
have already informed these two children who are still in the dark;)
Looking out from the taxi, HK is full of traffic
(seems to hear Yang Kun's voice?) In the
bar, they are embracing and dancing. Emotions are pushed to the point.

3) Meter running

on the back of the taxi, roadside reflect light falling on the window and walked across each other's face
at this time
Ruby: Dose SHE Appreciate UR Stupid QUOTES?
Josh: Dose of He Appreciate UR at The Sassy Attitude All Time?
Josh answered their mutual state of mind with another question.
The inner entanglement of moral constraints is clearly visible,
As it progresses to the end of the film, the mood is still slow and steady.
The taxi's parking destination has arrived, and the two have not finished talking.
The taxi guy who can't wait to urge: Do u want one more stop?

This is exactly what Josh wants to say to

Ruby and what Ruby once said to Josh

#I mean, when ru 100% ready to do anything?

And I want to say: And also there is no way back, right? Well

, the ending song of My little airport's romantic Kowloon Pond is great.
Of course, the next song that also appeared in the bar is also full of hearts.

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Extended Reading

Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong quotes

  • Ruby: I've always been intrigued with expats.

    Josh: Yeah?

    Ruby: Yeah. I mean, they always gave the impression that living abroad is so glamorous. But when my grandparents immigrated to the States from Hong Kong, their journey is anything but glamorous.

    Josh: You see that?

    Ruby: Yeah?

    Josh: That's my office right there.

    Ruby: It almost makes it worth being a banker.

    Josh: All those lights on in the offices. It's 11:00 in a Friday night. Those are all people working. It isn't as glamorous as it looks.

    Ruby: Guess not.

  • Josh: There's something very wrong with your city when the only good thing you have going for it is the weather.