My glory is past

Francesca 2022-03-20 09:01:32

Boxing is a poor man's sport. Stallone, who sold Rocky's scripts when he was young, must have a deep understanding of this. Only hunger and thirst can keep going. The image of Rocky has come to the present, and the rest is probably only feelings. Where does the emotion come from? Looking at the dying Rocky and widowhood in his later years, with a crippled body, he still has ambitions, and even more wise and open-minded, the audience will not resist. Because they looked at Rocky now, what appeared in their minds was his struggle history from a street fighter to a world boxing champion in his turbulent life, as well as his full and real life insights after trauma.

Feelings do not come out of thin air, and the same is true for champions. It's not that after a few setbacks, a few heartbreaks, and then cheering up, and shouting a few times around the road that the predecessors walked, the baby creed can become a Rocky. Think of everything Rocky was before his fame. An obscure street thug with a weird accent and clumsy reaction, trying to build his own profile by throwing a ball in one hand to get attention, and occasionally Ozuzu complacent. Not to mention his gang mates and Mickey, even a teenage girl hanging out on the street can taunt him when he tries to preach. No one told him the rules of how the world works. He subconsciously noticed the disdain of the people around him, but he never could figure out why, so he kept choosing to avoid and never dared to pursue anything. He did this until he was thirty. The time between a person's ignorance and his thirties is extremely long. Rocky has lived like this for so many years. When he couldn't take it any longer, he roared at Mickey and let out a vicious blow. It is not difficult to imagine that the words he said had been accumulated in his heart for a long time. A man, when tossing and turning in a dream at midnight, chewed his past in pain and loneliness, never finding out where he was going. And he has grown old and strengthened in the decades of changes after this, and this toughness is not something that a young man like Adonis may understand. It's not that it's not good to grow up in a superior family, but what he can experience is far from enough.

Adonis said Rocky owed him. This is indeed the case. If it wasn't for the appearance of Apollo, Rocky would still not know where he was. Unlike the previous ridicule and snub, Apollo was the first powerful ruler Rocky encountered in his life, even powerful enough to decide his life and death. And Rocky didn't want to die in the ring. The fear of Apollo and death stimulated him to train hard, and his life has since embarked on a path to become extraordinary by choice. Rocky is lucky to get the favor of fate at a not too late age. And most of us are just boiled frogs in warm water.

It's not just the Sons of Apollo who have been inspired by Rocky inside and outside the movie. All of us have witnessed his struggle and persevered under the light curtain of his struggle. But the audience is at the same time contradictory. On the one hand, moviegoers are happy to see Rocky go through a normal life stage and gossip like all old people on the screen; on the other hand, they are afraid to see Rocky as old as Mickey, and can only give way to The freshness of the young people around them, because they know that all this will eventually come true to them.

The screen is gone, the legend is gone, and life goes on.

As for the political correctness of the film. who care

thanks Stallone for dedicating a man's life perfectly.

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Extended Reading

Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!