The screenwriter forcibly lowered his IQ for the development of the plot

Celine 2022-03-20 09:01:27

There are too many slots, all kinds of decent people kill, and all kinds of villains fight back. If you bring in the villain to watch this drama, it will be cool and appropriate.
Everyone is "I'm hiding everything from you for your own good", insisting that they are right and not cooperating with each other.
There are many decent people obviously can kill a single villain Sylar variety was being suspended or beaten,
Peter skills to fully open but every battle can only be opened with sylar passive dodge,
a key figure in no protection, all off single was sylar killed,
Philip several I stopped time in front of Sylar to save my companion but didn't have time to cut off Sylar's head by the way.
DL has the ability to penetrate objects and should be immune to physical attacks
. I can't help but talk to others about my thoughts, for fear that others won't know that I have mind reading skills,
fbi has never done a good thing in it except to help the villains fight the decent, but every time I make a mistake, I put on a look like I'm very wrong and it's not me. , the
villain is like opening the protagonist's halo to escape from death, and the decent has no consciousness to kill and make up for the knife. Every time the decent is about to kill the sylar, he will die and be counter-killed. In the
end, so many people were on the scene, the ambulance police It's all here, but no one cares where Sylar's body is, and can let him climb the sewer.

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Heroes quotes

  • [Sylar is probing Claire's brain]

    Claire Bennet: You're not going to eat it, are you?

    Sylar: Eat your brain? Claire... that's disgusting.

  • Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

    Noah Bennet: [puts gun to Thompson's temple] Your last thought

    [Executes Thompson]

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