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Shakira 2022-03-22 09:01:16

I always believed it was the things you don't choose that makes you who you are. Your city, your neighborhood, your family. People here take pride in these things, like it was something they'd accomplished. The bodies around their souls , the cities wrapped around those. I lived on this block my whole life. Most of these people have. When your job is to find people who were missing, it helps to know where they started. I find the people who started in the cracks and then fell through. This city can be hard. When I was young, I asked my priest how you could get to heaven and still protect yourself from all the evil in the world. He told me what God said to his children. "You were sheep among wolves. Be wise as serpents, yet innocent as doves."

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Gone Baby Gone quotes

  • Patrick Kenzie: Go on. Move your bike!

    Kid on Bike: Go fuck your mother!

    Patrick Kenzie: What the...

    Kid on Bike: Beat it, sucker!

  • Helene McCready: [crying] I know I fucked up. I just want my daughter back. I swear to God, I won't use no drugs no more. I won't even go out; I'll be fucking straight. Cross my heart.

    Patrick Kenzie: [comforting her] It's all right. We're gonna find her, Helene.

    Helene McCready: You have to. You promise?

    Patrick Kenzie: Yeah. I'm gonna try. I will.

    Helene McCready: Promise. You have to promise me.

    Patrick Kenzie: I promise.