To prove that I'm not a mistake

Lowell 2022-03-20 09:01:32

For me, who is not a sports fan (and I don't know anything about boxing) and is not a fan of the "Rocky" series, I would also think that "Creed" is really good, and I also feel quite surprised.

"Creedy" follows the inspirational movie routine of self-awakening and turning into steel. Although the plot itself is not too brilliant, the rhythm of the male protagonist's training scenes is neat, the scenes of the game are long and exciting, and the coach's encouraging words are very encouraging. It can make the audience look very hot and cool. But the scene that moved me the most was the fact that the male protagonist was beaten to the point of being a pig on the field. Facing coach Stallone's questioning about what he insisted on continuing the game to prove, he could shout loudly: "(I have to prove) That I'm not a mistake!" In the

movie, the male protagonist who is the illegitimate son of a generation of boxing champions, the male protagonist who was stubborn and unruly in the reformatory as a child, and the male who gave up a decent financial job when he grew up and devoted himself to professional boxing The protagonist, the male protagonist who was ignored by the outside world and looked down on his personal efforts after he entered the industry because of the surname of the boxing champion, all he wants to prove is that he is not a mistake: his existence is not a mistake, his choice is not a mistake, his persistence Not a bug.

I think everyone will have a time when they question themselves or be questioned: shouldn't I (you) be here? Am I (you) going the wrong way? Am I (you) just making a pointless struggle?
In the face of these magical moments, do I (you) have the courage to shout out loudly: "I'm not a mistake" without hitting the south wall, or do I feel like I'm stronger than others and just give up? When I was young, I mostly insisted on being myself, even if I fell miserably later, I had no regrets; and the older I got, the more "considerate" I became, and I often felt weak before I encountered a real hurdle that I couldn't overcome.

In reality, I became more and more decadent. When I heard the phrase "(I have to prove) That I'm not a mistake!" in the play, I was instantly full of blood and heart! A film review said that "Creedy" is a man's romance, but in my opinion, "Creedy" is the romance of people who once insisted on themselves/are holding on to themselves/have not given up on sticking to themselves. The touching and inspiration it brings have nothing to do with it. gender.

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Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!