Don't be afraid of being smeared, just be ashamed.

Arielle 2022-03-20 09:01:30

Today, with the progress and development of science and technology, people's life and work tasks are gradually replaced by machines. It is undeniable that high technology has created many favorable conditions for human beings. However, technology is a double-edged sword. While providing a superior environment, it also has its drawbacks. When human beings find that society is changing unknowingly, when many people feel that they can have a good life without labor, at this time "Machine" has become a substitute for people. Nowadays, the continuous updating of products such as computers, mobile phones, notebooks and other products promotes social development, but makes people dependent, and inertia fills our minds. "Crisis of trust" seems to have become a puzzling problem in today's society. But from the beginning to the end, people can't escape the circle of society, can't change the reality, can only imagine the world that they yearn for, and maybe they can get relief there; however, the prevalence of science fiction movies not only heralds the progress of the times, but also many people's hearts. A call to freedom and innocence. Speaking of which, some people may ask: Do science fiction movies really have such a powerful charm? Next, let "Chappie" answer it for you one by one.

For Neil Blomkamp, ​​who has directed "District 9" and "Elysium", "Chappie" is nothing more than a new challenge. From the perspective of the story structure that focuses on society and growth, it still continues the style of the previous two works, but from the perspective of human perspective, it is definitely a major breakthrough in the history of the film industry. The preciousness of the film lies in giving "Chappie the Robot" the meaning of life and thinking about human nature, and showing light and warmth in the perspective of "darkness", making people feel that this "world" is not indifferent. Therefore, "Chappie" is humanized, from being ignorant as a child to having the ability to think; although he has no choice in the face of the surrounding environment, he can control his willpower, although "Chappie" is under the instigation of bad guys. It has done a lot of "bad things", but its innocent and kind side has never changed, and it is precisely because of this that its "mother" began to sympathize with its tragic experience, whether it was amputation in the laboratory or on the street. The gang fights on the street are enough to make people feel pity; because in the eyes of most people, "Chappie" is just a child, he has no right to choose the living environment, and he has no independent space and freedom. It is just a "white paper", and there may be only one way to freedom, and that is to make this "white paper" "unchangeable" all the time.

Surprisingly, the focus of the film is not so much about robots fighting for domination of the planet, but more about self-analysis of human nature and inner self. So not only laid the groundwork for the sequel, but also created infinite possibilities. When the robot Chappie was input into artificial intelligence by engineer Dean, it possessed the human mind and will. In just a few days, it can evolve from a child to an adult, making it possess the wisdom of humans. Its rapid evolution is nothing more than nothing. It is a major challenge to human domination of the earth. When it comes to portraying the most successful, it is the technical special effects and Chappie's character rendering. The subtle capture and superb dubbing are enough to bring this character to life. However, the core of having super technology is to benefit human beings and make the world better and better. Therefore, the development of technology cannot be the reason for human laziness; it is not so much that technology "helps" people to generate inertia, it is more correct The test of people's willpower, whether to choose laziness or self-reliance, always seems to be a contradiction; but if we work hard to overcome this hurdle, we can achieve a win-win situation. What we sometimes lack is the courage to "give up" dependence.

In the future world where humans and robots are combined, the "Chappie" carefully developed by engineers shows a series of changes brought about by artificial intelligence. It has a child-like growth process. Due to its innate lack of emotional intelligence and IQ, it is often used by criminals. Although it has used many cruel methods to harm innocent humans, it still adheres to the morality of justice deep in its heart. View, always keep in mind Dean's advice to it; it is precisely because of this mistake that it has been reflecting on its own faults. When it finds a way to combine the machine itself with the human being, it has achieved a win-win situation, not only saving itself, but also completing the great salvation of the world. Perhaps it was the "hard" living environment that shaped the perfect personality of "Chappie". When he was smeared by the darkness and cruelty around him, he still maintained a pure heart, worthy of the master's trust in him, and even more worthy of his "mother". "Endless care for it. What kind of environment you live in does not necessarily indicate what kind of person you will become; the influencing factors of the environment are only a part of life. More important than the environment is to be worthy of your heart and let the "white paper" in your heart forever. Does not discolor.

Everyone is as pure as white paper when they are born. Although the influence of the social environment will make one's ears and eyes dazzled, one's own strong willpower can overcome everything. The kindness and innocence of "Chappie" not only moved its "mother", but also made Dean feel inexplicably gratified. This inseparable family and friendship further interprets the theme and core of the film. Chappie chose a savior between life and death, which not only makes people feel moving, but also reflects the care and greatness of human nature. At the end of the film, Chappie uses his own power to keep both "mother" and the creator alive. The seemingly unbelievable ending is actually the outlook on life that the director wants to convey to us: thoughts and souls are far more important than appearances. Important; the world is changing, everything around is changing, but thoughts and souls can keep your once pure heart unchanged and firmly dominate your life.

Personal Rating: 10

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.