I am here waiting for you

Fabian 2022-03-22 09:01:17

This is a very simple story, so simple that the movie synopsis already tells all the plot. Although I have been warned many times, I am still moved by such a simple story that I cannot cry myself. Just as in the eyes of dogs, the world is only black and white, and their emotions are often simple and direct: you are my master, and I will wait for you for a lifetime, no matter what.

Haven't seen the Japanese version of this movie because there's no way to compare that one better, but I really like this movie alone. The unique warmth and family atmosphere of American movies makes this film so touching. There are bits and pieces of life inside, such as hachi and the professor sharing a bucket of popcorn to watch a baseball game, and at the end the professor jokingly said "it likes the Yankees"; the professor smiled happily when he saw hachi waiting for him outside the train station ...all of which will make you feel extra real and familiar, like a warm current flowing into your heart.

For a human being, ten years may be only a fraction of the whole life, but for a dog, it is a whole life. Hachiko spends its whole life waiting for the return of its owner, rain or shine. When the last hachi stumbled on the railroad tracks in the snowy night and rushed to the train station to wait for the last train of his life, it was really tearful. He and it met on a cold winter night, and he and it will meet again on the same cold winter night, at the end of their lives.

I remember I once saw a sentence: a dog may be just a fragment of your life for you, but you are the whole of its life. If you have pets, be sure to treat them well.

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Extended Reading

Hachi: A Dog's Tale quotes

  • Ken: I understand how you feel. Hachi, my friend, Parker is never coming home. But if Hachiko wants to wait, then Hachiko should wait. Have a long life Hachi.

  • Ronnie - 11 years: I never met my grandfather, he died when I was just a little baby. But when I hear about him and Hachi, I feel like I know him. They taught me the meaning of loyalty. That you should never forget anyone that you loved. And that's why Hachi will forever be my hero.

    [class applauds]