Uncovering the cloak of pseudo-idealism

Adolphus 2022-03-23 09:01:15

The movie recommended for everyone today is "Sicario" by Canadian director Denis Villeneuve (Denis Villeneuve) last year. Compared with Xiao Lizi, Roger Deakins, who once again won the Oscar nomination for Best Photography with this film, is the real runner-up emperor. However, in the hearts of movie fans, he is a well-deserved uncrowned king. The two again joined forces in the drama, once again showing the god-level picture and lens application, we should not miss it.

So one of the highlights of this movie is the use of pictures and shots, so I won’t go into details here. What this article mainly wants to discuss is the plot of the movie and the thoughts expressed. The director's consistent style is to be good at expressing the cruelty and disorder of the real world. He likes to show the essence of human nature straightforwardly. He doesn't like circumstance and disguise for things that should be short and fast. Say rudely, "I don't like pretending to be forced." Therefore, "Border Killer" is a typical violent work in which the pretending behavior is blackened out. The movie begins with an FBI battle in the drug lord’s lair. The heroine and her partner seem to be coaxing, but in the end, the mission fails with an explosion. Then the case was taken over by a team of the United Government Special Forces. In order to avenge her teammates on the one hand, and to "ensure justice and the law" on the other hand, the heroine also joined this group. The two eldest brothers in this group didn't look like good people at all when they came out: one wore flip flops hanging around in the conference room, and the other seemed to never wake up. Since the heroine had failed the mission, she couldn't say anything. Although she was upset, she had to lay hands on these two old men who seemed very unreliable. The progress of the matter not only made the heroine feel out of control, but also surprised the audience: in the process of using violence to control violence regardless of occasion and principle, the heroine became a spectator, and the audience gradually discovered that the heroine did not seem to be. The heroine, the real protagonist seems to be someone else. In the end, people were shocked: the heroine, with justice in mind and ambition to uphold the law, was just a tool used by these two men: sometimes as a bait to lure the enemy into hooks, and sometimes as a "government representative" authorizing them to act. . What the old men did seems to be to combat drug dealers, but in fact they only have two main purposes: to avenge the humiliation they have suffered, and to establish a gangster order under their control. The so-called justice, law, and ideals, like this heroine, have gradually become a joke.

Obviously this is a movie that combats the spread of idealism. The example cited by the film: In the three-regardless area on the US-Mexico border, it is impossible to uphold the law and punish evil and promote good with an idealistic heart. As Hegel said: "Existence is reasonable." All the "crimes" that occur here are caused by a greater reality. When its scale has reached to become a part of this environment and a certain necessity, the so-called law Harmony and justice cannot be the key factor in controlling the "evil" link in the system. They are just side by side with evil. If you really want to control it, you probably have to change this real environment unscrupulously. We can simply understand: when a government is decayed beyond cure, what strategy is generally adopted? The answer is in our textbook: revolution. So, is this movie "anti-idealistic"? Not really. Idealism is not wrong, but idealism is particularly easy to fall into extremes, and such extremes are the trap of "breaking away from reality" and falling into the "high moral ground of oneself". When we see the heroine in the movie, we think "it is inappropriate to shoot drug dealers in front of the crowd when traffic jams on the highway", and think that "it is inhumane to kill drug dealers directly without trial." These theories are correct, but should we deny such behavior? In fact, it is easy to raise questions, but the hard part is to "solve the problem": Such behavior is indeed inappropriate and inhumane. So, can you come up with an actionable solution? Moreover, if there is no better plan to deny (or condemn) this kind of behavior or adopt "inaction" just because of such an excuse, it is also a kind of "action", and the result is to allow evil to occur. This is a problem that idealism and many seemingly beautiful ideas are particularly prone to: They stick to some lofty principles and use them to accuse others who act against these principles, but they do not have the ability to solve practical problems. Or courage. This is the legendary "Madonna": a group of people who pretend to be the ultimate.

Once it becomes this type, it is no longer "idealistic". We need to redefine idealism: not only have beliefs, pursuits and principles, but also have the ability to act and understand and tolerate other opinions. So this is a very high request, we encourage each other.

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Sicario quotes

  • Title Card: The word Sicario comes from the zealots of Jerusalem, killers who hunted the Romans who invaded their homeland. In Mexico, Sicario means hitman.

  • Kate Macer: [after an illegal gun battle] What am I doing here?

    Matt: What you're doing here is you're giving us the opportunity to shake the tree and create chaos. That's what this is! In the meantime, just sponge everything up you see. Learn! That's why you're here.