About Creed's Dad

Lowell 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Getting up in the morning and brushing last night's Moments, I was viciously touched. Maybe it was because I watched a lot of cartoons when I was a kid, and I always dream of the kind of figure walking on the horizon in the twilight. At this time, people in the distance have long since lost sight of your face, the scars on your body, and only the figure of your integrated fighter.
We must always love that young man's heart. When wading through mountains and rivers, the long sword was still sharp and cold, and the heart of the goddess was still hot. And the Demon King is not old yet, his smile can still be cunning.
Or, the protagonist runs in the mountains, goes crazy in front of sandbags, and finally stands on the ring, facing an opponent who is far taller than himself. After being tortured for eight rounds and beyond recognition, he finally punches his opponent. The camera will never tell you that the villain's strength also comes from training, and it will never tell you how an opponent who is taller than the protagonist can successfully lose weight.
As the villain's destiny, it is always under the sunset on the horizon, leaving the back for later people to chase. Our growth is to say goodbye to that period of good and evil.

There is a joy called seeing the sky. It was very interesting. My companion on the way to see a small field said to me, "Who is going to kick this game? This is a good thing." On the way back, he said to me, "I want to beat you too." I said "" They're happier than you. Isn't that the case? The singers on the stage are often scolded every day, but the guitarist in the underpass thinks he is a musician. Let's play on stage." Then we looked at each other and smiled.
Let the children play by themselves, grandpa won't wait for you.

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Creed quotes

  • Adonis Johnson: I can train at your house.

    Rocky Balboa: No I don't know nobody's been to my house in a long time you might be uncomfortable there.

    Adonis Johnson: What, do you walk around naked?

  • Adonis Johnson: [after finding one of Paulie's old porno magazines] Alright Paulie!