How can the world be without a little idealism?

Alivia 2022-09-03 14:54:54

Today, I wanted to take advantage of the last two days of regular weekends to finish the three parts of "Where to Invade Next", "45 Years" and "Room" in a row. In the end, I didn't dare to watch it any longer after reading this, I felt that the little heart would be shaken again and it would hang up immediately.

It is no exaggeration to say that the last time I was abused so badly was in "Interstellar" in 2014. This time it feels a little bit more abusive than "Focus". In contrast, yesterday's "The Mermaid" in the "Invincible is Lonely" paragraph, the pattern immediately failed.

Obviously, this is an emotional film. Since I came out, I have been admonishing myself that I want to immediately turn over the balance sheets of European countries, and this urge has to be restrained.

At first I thought this movie was just for dark humor. I saw the trailer when I watched "Long Live Caesar", and I didn't know who this dead fat man was at that time. (Although I have heard of Fahrenheit 911, I haven't seen it, and I don't know that he shot it.) It's fun to watch him tease French children.

Then got an email from my frequent Alamo Drafthouse Cinema in Austin that they decided to relax the movie's rating and allow teens over 15 to watch it. (The movie was originally rated R, 18 banned) They think this film should not be R. And, it's important to convey the film's message to the next generation of American citizens. After all, this movie contains nothing more than:

- a few dirty words
- college students who don't have to pay tuition
- schoolboys who have healthy lunches every day
- Italians enjoying their vacation
- scenes of violence in American prisons
- and a few Germans The brief scene of swimming naked in the swimming pool

So, what is this film about? Some people say that it is a brainless black.

During my college years, I repeatedly touched on a theme in the three courses of Business Ethics, Information System Management, and Human Development: technological progress and globalization provide companies with opportunities to reduce costs.

Imagine a large multinational corporation that relocated a factory next to a town, employing tens of thousands of people, and driving the development of other industries in surrounding towns, building dormitories, shopping malls, entertainment facilities, and schools. When more than ten years have passed, and the development here has stabilized, large multinational companies have found that the cost of this factory is too high. It is better to move the facilities from this town next to Los Angeles to a better inland state, or to China. /India, or simply adopt new automation technology to directly eliminate labor costs.

However, when an enterprise closes its factories in order to increase its own profits, tens of thousands of unemployed employees follow, and they can only receive compensation equivalent to a few months' wages, and the entire surrounding small economic circles follow suit. collapse.

The reality is that this kind of thing has been happening in the United States for decades. The so-called working middle class in the United States has also collapsed as a result. As a result, the United States, like China, has one of the largest gaps between the rich and the poor in the world.

Why talk about this? Because in Italy, the director's first stop, we saw workers in a garment factory who only worked thirty or so hours a week, spending two hours at noon every day to go home for lunch with their families. In the motorcycle factory, the production line is as slow as the traffic flow in the evening rush hour of the Second Ring Road, but people are talking and laughing. I was thinking that these products are at a premium here, and it is also a loss that consumers are willing to buy them.

High cost and inefficiency, these are the words that the business elites of the capitalist U.S. empire hate the most. These Italian factories are clearly hanging such labels in broad daylight. The director asked the owner of the clothing company, have you ever thought about cutting down the labor cost and making more money yourself? The lady boss laughed immediately, (her eyes clearly saying, you stupid Americans) What's the point of making so much money? Wouldn't it be better to make employees feel happy and satisfied too? We are very satisfied with the current profit. If we keep thinking about making more money, wouldn't we be bigger than someone else's cock?

So this film is actually digging some ideological things. What is the relationship between the individual's pursuit of interests and the harmony of the society? Can a more optimal balance be achieved between the two? Of course, giving answers is not the purpose of this film. Reminding people that a problem exists is often more important than trying to answer it.

In addition, the director also traveled to nearly ten different countries one by one, and asked a phenomenon in each country, why the United States, the most powerful country on earth, cannot solve the same problem to the same level?

The Italian man said to the camera, you know, the dream of our people here is to live in America! The man's mouth fell to the ground when the director told him that Americans don't have legal paid holidays.

An American teacher in Finland lamented that when she was teaching in a poor school in the United States, she told her students: "You can become what you want to be in the end." She felt that she was deceiving her students. But in Denmark, she can really say this to her students.

The chef of the French elementary school cafeteria frowned when he saw the photo of the American high school lunch, what the hell is this called food?

The female CEO of Iceland looks at the camera: Even if you pay me, I will not move to the United States. Americans, if you can't get along with your neighbors. If you can live with peace of mind knowing that someone around you is starving and freezing, you will be finished sooner or later.

There are some worse ones, so I won't spoil them. Yet they all mean the same thing:

aren't you America? Isn't it America? Why is America like this?

Why is America like this?

where is the problem?

In a way, Americans, whether they're doing just fine, or the people at the bottom, don't seem angry enough. Being too content with the status quo and complaining too much about injustice will make people lose their appeal for change. However, people always need to maintain this pursuit of justice, and there is hope for real change. As Hillary said on Nevada yesterday, "Americans are right be angry, but we are also hungry for the real solution."

It is true that the social machine itself is a sophisticated system, and the current situation is the result of the game played by all parties in the past, and the change does not come by chance. However, as the subject of games and politics, people's ideology can change. When this kind of change gradually sets off momentum and becomes a trend, the direction of social progress can be changed accordingly.

Is it possible that everyone can think outside of themselves and think as a whole?

"This is not communism, this is a healthy society."

The change of ideology is the most powerful force to change the system.

At the end, the
director and old friends strolled by the ruins of the Berlin Wall, recalling the night in November 1989, when Schabowski announced the opening of East Germany's borders, and the people who couldn't wait for the government to officially tear down the wall took up hammers and chisels. , came to the front of the wall, knocked down the wall, opened an informal passage, and the soldiers on the opposite looked curiously through the wall, I am afraid that I did not expect the sharpest conflict in the Cold War to come to an end like this. Four months later, Mandela was released and became the president of South Africa.

"My generation was born during the Cold War, and we grew up watching the Berlin Wall be there. I really didn't expect it to fall." Even the rights struggle in South Africa has finally succeeded. Seemingly complex problems seem to have very simple solutions. It seems that nothing is impossible!"

Perhaps in the not too distant future, suddenly one day , will the network wall surrounding China collapse suddenly? Maybe one day, Taiwan and China can also let go of the estrangement and let go of each other? Maybe one day in this life, we can no longer be dissatisfied with being Chinese, but instead be proud from the heart?

Will our descendants live in a better era?

Let us give the answer ourselves.

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Extended Reading

Where to Invade Next quotes

  • Michael Moore: I am an American. I live in a great country, that was born in genocide and built on the backs of slaves.