Thank you for your touch

Alexandria 2022-03-22 09:01:09

I finished the series of brothers at one time. Finally, as the interview with the veteran ended, the camera went dark, the background music sounded, and the cast slowly rose. At that moment, my eyes were blurred and my heart was empty. Can't catch it. Different from watching Friends before, after watching the last episode of the tenth season, I immediately clicked on the first episode of the first season. The end of the tenth season and the beginning of the first season, the six friends never left; and this The Brothers Company can’t do this, because watching it again means suffering the loss again. The war is ruthless, and the cannonballs have no eyes. You will never know if your favorite character in this episode is still there in the next episode?

The most shocking American dramas I have seen in recent years have been adapted based on real events to give them a sense of reality that other American dramas do not have. The description of the relationship between the brothers in the play is quite in place, not deliberately sensational, but the various small details make you tearful; the portrayal of war is even more indifferent, and the bloody and violent scenes are not avoided. The director often uses close-up shots. Directly photograph the soldiers’ wounds. The war scene uses handheld photography and fast editing to create a sense of urgency. The background sounds are filled with gunfire, cannons, the groans of wounded soldiers, the breathing of running soldiers, and the shouting of medical soldiers everywhere. the sound of. Watching the entire American show, there are many scenes that I can’t forget. In the first episode, Private Gordon was punished for running. In the previous scene, he was running panting alone, and in the next scene, you will see the other three comrades-in-arms. Run with him; and in the first episode, when Company Captain Sober ran against Lieutenant Winters, although he risked being shot, all the non-commissioned officers in Company E chose to hand over their ranks to support their lieutenant; At the end of the third episode, Sergeant Malachi went to get the ironed clothes. When he was about to leave, the shopkeeper asked if Lieutenant Mihan belonged to your team? I hope he hasn’t forgotten to pick up the clothes. In fact, Lieutenant Mihan has already left during the last operation. When I was crying, I was sobbing crying when I saw this episode; in the fourth episode, when Strandauman was trapped, a group of brothers went on a suicide mission to find him back; and Bill Gnelli and Joe Toy came from the hospital. I escaped just to be with my brothers; if you really can't say enough details one by one, but the moisturizer is silent, it is these inadvertent little details that make you understand why you are called Brother Lian instead of other names.

The most reluctant part of the whole play is the Battle of Bastogne in Episodes 6 and 7. This group of fighters is completely guarded by their lives, lacking equipment, insufficient ammunition, and insufficient warm clothing, quote Stephen Ambrose's words "Except for the casualties, everyone in Bastogne is suffering. Those who were not hit by shrapnel or bullets are also victims." This American show shows the content. Too much. In the eighth episode, I satirize that Colonel Sinke insisted on carrying out dangerous patrol missions in order to show off his achievements, regardless of the lives of his brothers. In the ninth episode, he showed the naivety of the recruits, not knowing the cruelty of war, and full of yearning for war. Keep asking "Where are the Germans?", "When will I parachute to Berlin?". When it comes to the production of the series, you can also see the degree of meticulousness. In the two transitions in the fifth episode, you can see the director's intentions, as well as the change of narrative style, and the flashback performance that constantly appears in subway stations. The contradictions in the characters’ hearts, the two stares in the ninth episode are quite meaningful, and the slow motion in the last episode is accompanied by a monologue. I will not forget these, just like the last sentence Winters said, "I am not a hero, but I serve with the heroes" I will not forget, thank you for what you have done for mankind, and thank you for the touch you have brought me.

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Extended Reading

Band of Brothers quotes

  • Liebgott: So what did you study?

    Pvt. David Kenyon Webster: Literature.

    Liebgott: You're kidding me! I love to read.

    Pvt. David Kenyon Webster: Really?

    Liebgott: Yeah. Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon mostly.

  • [Translating a speech a German General is giving to his men after they all surrendered]

    Liebgott: Men, it's been a long war, it's been a tough war. You've fought bravely, proudly for your country. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond, that exists only in combat, among brothers. You've shared foxholes, held each other in dire moments. You've seen death and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy lives in peace.