ah, that's it!

Jazmyne 2022-03-21 09:01:15

I saw the introduction of all his films in the special edition of David Fincher on a certain subscription account. Based on those famous high-scoring movies, there is a voice in my heart saying, "Go to see other "Master" movies that are not so popular with everyone!
I am not a person who likes to watch old movies, and I have a certain sense of pickiness about the style and visual effects of movies. Yes, I just don't like the sense of age that has drifted away. I can’t describe the specifics. It’s just that this movie, released in 1997, can be accepted by me in photography. Could this be where Vinci surpassed the times?
The editor in the subscription account said that about Vinci is an "anti-capitalist" value director. I don’t know what the leftists and the rightists are, but his suspense is always aimed at people who seem to have a carefree life. For example, the male protagonist Nicklas, who lacks everything in this film, is “absurd” in them. Something terrifying and exciting happened. He is a super rich man, a man who plays money between applause, a man who can solve many problems with a mobile phone, and seems to be an invulnerable person. He has a strong desire to defeat. Otherwise, how can he make so much money? Faced with difficulties, he doesn't want to escape first but wants to figure it out. Otherwise, how can he let so many opponents be discouraged. He wants to fight back again and again, but he does not admit defeat. Of a person. Maybe we don’t have such a strong power in our lives, but there are always moments where you think things will go smoothly, that is, TMD will make trouble for you, you think that things will be 100% sure, but that there will be a big turning point Only when you have control over everything can you feel safe. But the fact is, nothing is 100%, nothing is certain, nothing is impossible. Accepting our own failure and accepting the possibility of failure is also our way to defeat the ultimate enemy. I just lose, so what can I do?
Looking at many film reviews, the father’s suicidal knot, which the male protagonist could not let go, passed through the bridge designed by CRS, and finally it didn’t open after it jumped down. Here, I feel that the male protagonist can't let go, because he is afraid of becoming a father. Every one of us grows up with a family, everything we learn is deeply rooted in our parents. However, the life between us and our parents is the closest thing to us, but we can best know what kind of shortcomings we hate in our parents. And those shortcomings are what we have inadvertently, actions, expressions, and even eating habits. Therefore, only when the male protagonist has experienced his own suicide, he understands the despair that his father is facing, and understands that this is indeed a defect. After a failure, he can face his own life, accept himself, and re-establish intimacy with others. .
In addition, after experiencing the turning points arranged by the director, who can only believe that the final happy ending is not a starting?

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The Game quotes

  • Conrad: They won't leave me alone! I'm a goddam human piñata!

  • Nicholas: No, what is this? What are you... selling?

    Jim Feingold: Oh. It's a game.

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