"Four Moons": Heartbeat Quartet

Carmel 2022-12-29 13:31:33

Four stories, four periods of life, through teenagers, youth, middle age and old age, the heartbeats of different age groups have created the complex life faced by different people. The throbbing of the heart and the occurrence of emotions are the most beautiful psychological manifestations of human beings. However, under the pressure of society and family, people are throbbing in different situations, but they also face different challenges and problems. Infatuation is an impulse and a torment, but whether it can be loved and accepted openly is a problem that everyone has to face and deal with. This is life, complex and delicate. Some you can enjoy, some you are doomed to miss.

Juvenile throbbing: Great parental love,
who has never been completely devoted to someone at that flowery age, and even if silently caring and paying, it is rare to see the desired results. The young Mauricio is such an example. He carefully takes care of his liking, silently misses the person in his heart, exchanges his happiness with his own efforts, even does housework, and even replaces his favorite game CDs to buy him Favorite version, just for him to enjoy it happily. The throbbing in the bottom of my heart is obvious, and the young man's mind is also very simple. Through sneaking glances again and again, he endlessly enjoys the person he loves in front of him. I thought that a good first love was so hazy and sweet, but the attempt to cross the line got the exact opposite result. He was no longer a playmate with him, he began to gather others to humiliate and bully him, and even let his parents and family know the secrets of his heart. There is a fine line between love and hurt, but pure love brings endless torture. His feelings are no longer important, and the attitude of his parents is the fetters of Xiao Zhengtai's inner past. He once confided his sincerity to the pastor, but got ambiguous and disagreeable answers, which made his young heart remain suspenseful again. However, I have to admire the greatness of being a parent, the meticulousness of my mother, the anger of my father leaving, all the reactions are captured by his sensitive heart, the fragile teenager, endless doubts, seem so helpless in the sleepless night. But the angry father and the tearful mother finally told him what life is, face it bravely, protect yourself, choose your own path, and naturally take care of yourself first. There is not much sustenance in words, but actions show everything. I have to say that Xiao Zhengtai is lucky. At the crossroads of his life, his parents have become the biggest and warmest supporters behind him.

Youth love affair, love under the sun
The meeting of the two little childhood sweethearts is a fateful arrangement that can be praised, and falling in love with each other is even more of a fate. Hugging, kissing and even making love, the trial from beginning to end, the communication from shallow to deep, when both people find that they are immersed in love and unable to extricate themselves, the test appears. He likes to love in the sun, but he is still confused about his sexuality. It's not easy for people who love each other to be together, but they have to hide and hide. This is not a problem of love, but a challenge to accept oneself. If two people disagree, the final result is only one, sad parting. The seemingly ordinary mother is really full of wisdom, waiting for him to pick up the party night, from 7:00 to 9:00, in exchange for not happy, but a cold "I'm sorry". Sorry, we don't fit together. Why force each other, why force the love on the table. Coming out to friends and family is the most direct and effective way to get rid of the shackles of your heart. You will never understand how good it is to live an upright life, stand up and love each other. The four eyes on the street met again, I saw that you still covered my heart, and besides sighing, it was a pity, revealing a reluctant love. Whether it's true love or not, my mother has already seen through it. Who is with whom in the end, apart from TV dramas, reality can't escape her wise eyes. Waiting, waiting, until the dawn of dawn appears. The torment of the heart creates hypocrisy and unreliability, and it is a burning heart to see your lover with others. For love, for being together, do you just let fate slip away like this? Or sacrifice your so-called aloofness, be your true self, and enjoy being surrounded by your lover. Fortunately, he did it. He felt the reluctance to part with this childhood sweetheart in each other's eyes. He felt the irresistible heartbeat, and coming out of the closet was no longer a fetter, because he had found the right direction and love was waiting. , the sweetness can be basked in, the love under the sun is happier than ever, and it will last a long time. I have to mention Fito's mother again. She uses her own experience and sophistication to help and support her son, from "indifference" to helping with ties, from hugging comfort to evaluating the plot of the TV series, seemingly unintentional but revealed everywhere. The care and care for the son is only expressed in different ways, but it is also a great maternal love.

Middle-aged heartbeat: The itch of ten years, limited love, infinite pain,
life is dull, often makes love invisible, and it is impossible to see how important and deep the hidden bond is. The lovers who have been in love with each other for ten years, after all, can't stand the repetitive and unrefreshing life. They are once again excited for others in the flowery world, find a new place to belong, and become more estranged from each other since then. He just didn't expect that love would give him another chance to get along with sincerity in exchange for his confused heart. Dates, dinners, theaters, he does what he can to "please" and pursue the novelty of love he once had, and again and again to embrace his connection with the other. I don't understand how difficult it is, but I can see that this is a portrayal of him trying his best to save his love. Until he cried and returned to his arms, the feeling of being abandoned made him vulnerable like a child again, but it was this warm and comfortable home and lover who embraced and embraced him. But ignorant children don't know that love is limited and love is limited, and they cannot tolerate repeated squandering and ignoring. If love is used up, then you don't know how to continue to love, and it means the end. However, you once again choose to pursue the boundless excitement, ignore the reunion promised to each other, and strive for the love that you think is more important, and after being injured, you again pray for the protection and tolerance of your family and your lover. The end of endless squandering is love that is exhausted in advance. Tears and kisses are goodbyes and goodbyes. There is always an opportunity to save it, but if you ignore it and waste it again and again, it cannot be saved by others. Originally, it was only you who saved each other and yourself, but now you can only pay the price of being alone for your own impulses and senseless heartbeats. Love is too heavy, extravagant and limited. When you don't realize how important he is, please think twice, don't be deceived by heartbeat and indulge, and lose the most important person in your life and unforgettable feelings. People always say "don't wait until you lose it before you know how to cherish it", and lovers who realize it later, please realize that this kind of heartbeat is limited in love and boundless in pain.

Heartbeat in the old age: Time makes up for it, and
the encounter in the bathroom with love and contentment arranges an unusual ending. The poet is already over half a hundred years old, and he is no longer as good as young people. It's just that this man has made him so obsessed. Time and time again, inquiries and dialogues, and even almost went off the rails, are all taking action for his inner heart. A complete and happy big family and elders full of children and grandchildren hide such an unknown secret behind them. Perhaps it is not allowed in the youth, but it is difficult to have the body of a young man again. Only through the payment of money can we exchange for this desire that has been dormant for a lifetime. It's just that this person is too unusual, the wonderful figure makes it difficult for him to walk away, and the high price makes him at a loss, but once his heart is like this, the more he can't get it, the more attractive he will be. Fortunately, he didn't break his promise, and the next day he got the service he wanted, except for a formal kiss. But the small talk afterward became the link between the two people's relationship transformation. Some people have unknown lives to others, and some people hide their true desires. Only when they talk frankly and in detail with each other can they say their true self. In fact, life is not so perfect, perfect is only the appearance. So at that moment, they became each other's friends, from the bottom of their hearts. That celebration, that look of anticipation, that grown man, that book that changed everything, and that formal and unusual kiss at the end (reminds me of the one from Love Actually) made the two Individuals are born. Knowing enough is enough, once had him, once had that kiss, once discussed life, once deeply moved. . . . . . This age, that harvest, a man with a family whose life changed the poet's life. A chance encounter can be regarded as a kind of gathering. Even if the purpose is for the pleasure of the flesh, it also experiences the hardships and resonance of life. Why do you want more? Sometimes contentment is the happiest heartbeat, and contentment is the most difficult state of mind to fill.

Therefore, heart-warming love is an indescribable feeling. Either it is worth pursuing, to explore, or one must remain calm. However, there are always so many people who can't see clearly. After going through fire and water with all their strength, what they harvest is full of scars. The most incomprehensible thing in the world is love, and the easiest thing to understand is love. These four sections of life left behind four hearts, four emotions, four endings and endless musings on love and heartbeats.

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