Jonathan (voiced by Andy Samberg), an adventurous human boy, suddenly came to the castle, his arrival brought a new breath to the monster world, and he fell in love with Mephis at first sight. Count Dracula had to go to great lengths to hide the truth that he was a human. He told Jonathan that his wife was a human, and that the wife was burned to death by the human after the two were united. The Hunchback of Notre Dame exposed Jonathan's human identity with his keen sense of smell, and Jonathan left the castle sadly.
For the happiness of his daughter, Count Dracula recovered Jonathan with the help of his friends.
The story of the film goes in the opposite direction. Humans become the "monsters" that monsters are most afraid of. The characters are well done, but the story is relatively cliché and lacks bright spots. The doorknob of the human head, the table that moves by itself, and the cheesecake that screams are good ideas. , suitable for family fun.
PS: Wearing contact lenses can be immune to vampire pupil surgery.
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