This is just how real world works.

Everett 2022-03-22 09:01:13

As a clue character, Emily has been kept in the dark until she finally realizes that she is just being used as a tool of legitimate excuses.
I really like the Mexican family life that has been interspersed, until the last kicking clip has no meaning.
That section of the tunnel night walk is very powerful, but the drums continue to be suspenseful and tense, creating a very good contrast The Prisoner feels not so depressing but numb and desperate. It was like at the end they heard the gunshot and looked back and then the whistle went on playing the game.
This is just how real world works.

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Sicario quotes

  • Matt: You saw things you shouldn't have seen.

  • Alejandro: You're asking me how a watch works. For now we'll just keep an eye on the time.