Humans achieve immortality through the body of machines

Bertram 2022-03-20 09:01:30

The concept of the film is good, but the overall story is mediocre.
The moose fighter made by Vincent Moore (Hugh Jackman) is not recognized by the police due to its large size and complicated control. But he opposes artificial intelligence and insists that the idea that robots can be manipulated by human operators with flexible thinking, humanity and morality through nerve conduction devices is worthy of reference. After all, once the highly intelligent and well-armed robot police rebel, it will bring a devastating blow to mankind.
Dean Wilson (played by Dev Patel) has developed Chappie, a robot with self-awareness and powerful learning abilities. However, the newly born Chapai is like a baby, and his acquired education directly affects his growth orientation.
The birth of Chappie shows that consciousness can be created; Chappie transfers Dean's consciousness into a robot body through a nerve conduction device, which makes Dean immortal, indicating that consciousness can be transferred; Chappie uses the USB flash drive that stores the consciousness of the gangster's mother Reviving the gangster mother through the robot body shows that consciousness can also be replicated. The brain hole is really wide open. In the future, the development of human beings will not be limited by the capacity of the brain and the body. The body of the human consciousness machine, are you willing to give up many enjoyments such as food and love for eternal life?
The cartoon "Seaman" that appeared in the film brought back fond memories of childhood: "I am Seaman!" It also reminded me of "Seaman": "Give me strength!"

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.