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Border killer
Monserrat 2022-03-22 09:01:13
Phil Coopers: [assuring Kate] Advisors like Matt come in, they stir the pot, they cause the criminals to react and make mistakes. That's how we build cases against the individuals that actually make a difference in this fight. It's when they're nervous, when they stop trusting their crews, when they move their money. These are all opportunities to strike. And that's the purpose of people like Matt.
Dave Jennings: Kate, this isn't something that I dreamed up myself. I don't have the authority to hire advisors, or authorize joint agency missions, or fly agents from Air Force bases. Are you understanding me? These decisions are made far from here, by officials elected to office, not appointed to them. So, if your fear is operating out of bounds, I am telling you, you are not. The boundary's been moved.
Reggie Wayne: [sitting in a bar] Look at you. Your eyebrows are a mess.
Kate Macer: [hiding her face] No, they're not!
Reggie Wayne: They're like caterpillars, like wild beasts. You're losing weight.
Kate Macer: I'm eating.
Reggie Wayne: Look at you. What is it, one T-shirt a week? At least work on your personal hygiene, huh?
Kate Macer: You sound like my mother.
Reggie Wayne: Maybe I *am* your mother. First we work on personal hygiene, then we move on to the shopping.