Can't appreciate

Alan 2022-03-20 09:01:12

The two-and-a-half-hour long plot makes people want to fall asleep, and the incredible mentally retarded details treat the audience as idiots. After having sex with Aunt Mo, she brought little Lolita to South Africa to fight the Ghost Party. Of course, she couldn't do without having sex. Not to mention how little Lori was kidnapped by three big men with a poisoned needle to kill the strong man, not to mention Bond holding a machine gun as a sniper rifle, not to mention MI5 heads C and M holding a gun If you snatch it, you will fall to death. Not to mention that there will be a huge net waiting on the ground when you jump down a dozen or so floors. Not to mention that Bond is blindfolded and pushed away by two guns and shot each other to escape. , Anyway, the directors you can't imagine have all thought of it for you. Perhaps this is the style of the Bond series. Can't imagine how the word of mouth is bursting. Similarly, I can't appreciate the fall of the sky.

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Extended Reading

Spectre quotes

  • [after shutting C out of his mainframe]

    M: Not a good feeling being watched, is it?

    C: Don't tell me you're responsible for this.

    M: No, but my quartermaster is and he's extremely talented.

    C: Oh, bravo. But in case you hadn't realized it, you two are out of a job so you're trespassing.

    M: I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. We're going to stop this system going online, and then I'm going to bring you in.

    C: On what grounds, exactly?

    M: Poor taste in friends.

  • Blofeld: The things that bring people together. Out of horror, beauty.