What I see off the main line background

Krystal 2022-09-17 15:31:29

Why is everyone writing about pilgrims? The plot I saw was probably like this: An explorer came to a ruined place similar to a church, at dusk, and the twilight and night were intertwined; when he stepped into the ruins, the sunlight gradually disappeared; the camera moved forward... The magnificent scenery is presented, and there are strange statues on the wall pillars... The strange thing is that they move, and the female head also shows the fascinated smile of Mona Lisa... When the explorer walks to the end of the ruins, there is a cliff, curved When I touch the ground under my feet, it looks like dirt but it is some kind of unknown seed... So the explorer is planted, and then silent (in fact, it is parasitized); looking down is the constellation Crater; as the night passes, the meteors are little by little, the planets After a reincarnation, the sunrise is about to rise; the sun explodes and shines on the ruins, (what weird reaction happened? Formation? Magic? Simply providing energy?) The whole ruins come alive... When the sun shines on the explorers When he finally sprouted, he became a part of this relic... The whole drama is over.

Well, I admit that I didn't watch the Chinese translation of the short film, but watching the plot is like this... It's just a

barrier to the soul. Has anyone explored that seed? Church made of biomaterials, huh

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