This is a very good movie, I watched it for the second time.

Christine 2022-03-21 09:01:22

Denzel has great acting skills, and he deserves to be the actor. Now that I watched it a second time, let me also talk about my views. When the captain played by Denzel woke up in the hospital after the crash, he had already decided to give up drinking and reform, but it seemed that he could not give up. In my opinion, he is indeed selective alcoholism instead of being unable to quit, and his alcoholism problem follows the plot. From the very beginning, he saved so many people and even got prosecuted and became angry and alcoholic, and then he was afraid of himself. I'm going to go to jail and want to get out of alcohol and drink heavily until the last time I want to get the courage to get salvation and drink too much. That's right, the section where the refrigerator was opened in the room the night before the hearing was accompanied by very beautiful music, which shows that it is not that he is addicted to alcohol, but the courage to get salvation through drinking. In fact, every time he drank after the crash, he drank because he hated that he wanted to cover up another lie with a lie, so he always wanted to push those who helped him away. As he said when he quarreled with a drug addict in the warehouse of the old house: I drink because of my choice. What moved the most was that during the hearing, the captain knew that everyone was helping him, even the female investigator in red at the hearing, or that she knew that the cause of the plane crash was not the captain’s fault. The captain has saved so many people and shouldn’t be punished. In short, the female investigator in red obviously didn’t want to hold the captain accountable. You can tell from the look in her eyes at the end of the hearing, and she used it when she turned around. slow motion. I think this film expresses that there are no absolute good people and absolute bad people in this world, just like the captain's flight attendant girlfriend. If she doesn't save that child, she will be a runaway big Opie in everyone's eyes. This point of view can involve a lot of principles. For example, don’t see a flight attendant who messes with alcohol and drugs all day and think she is a bad person. Maybe she is the one who gave her life to save your child someday. And no matter how you messed up your life before, whether your future life is good or bad depends on the life you messed up before, so the end of the film gives a question: who are you.

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Flight quotes

  • Harling Mays: See y'all on the dark side of the Moon.

  • Charlie Anderson: Remember, if they ask you anything about your drinking, it's totally acceptable to say "I don't recall".

    Whip: Hey, don't tell me how to lie about my drinking, okay? I know how to lie about my drinking. I've been lying about my drinking my whole life.

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