Atang Brand Popcorn

Katelyn 2022-01-25 08:05:24

Text / dream poetry and

Tom Cruise in "Mission Impossible" series that spans more than twenty years of film, forging a secret agent par 007, the "land of mystery" as the Five Steps of this series does not The sense of decadence is still a breathtaking work of blood, but the deficiencies of this series have also been passed down. The villain who is blown to the sky is actually a pig-like opponent.

When I saw that Tom, who was in his 50s, dared to play such a dangerous maneuver without a stand-in to pick up a plane with his bare hands, I was already sure that Tom’s "Mission: Impossible 5" would not disappoint. "Mystery Country" is certainly not the most brilliant chapter in this series of movies, but whether it is a car chase or a one-stop cool fight, the special effects and the skillful movement in the same line are enough to keep the adrenaline up enough, while London and Paris The big games in many cities around the world, including Washington, D.C., have even seen the movie's use of the world as a large-scale spy war. On the other hand, a series of cool and imaginative high-tech secret agents are overwhelming.

Whether the plot logic is set is pertinent or not is undoubtedly one of the most important causes of a suspenseful spy war movie. Under the series of disasters in "Mystery Country", the reversal of the suspense plot node is full of tension. Create beautiful agents who are difficult to distinguish between enemies and friends. The play of Infernal Affairs mode fits with excellent action special effects. The highly intensive suspense shaping of the movie is indeed a climax in the first half. The image of Tom's agent is not just blind. Cool, "Mission: Impossible" has always been characterized by the integration of agents into betrayal, loneliness and despair. These elements not only deeply reflect the huge pattern of the movie, but also highlight the unique content of the "Mission Impossible" series. In depth.

The villain’s loss is still the shackles that "Mystery Nation" failed to break through. The jaw-dropping movie creates a villain organization that gathers elites from all over the world to be so weak. It doesn’t matter if there is no advanced weapon technology, regardless of the boss in the team. There is still a serious problem with Ma Tsai’s IQ thinking. Atang’s legend of the villain was finally easily defeated without a bloodbath. This made the excellent rendering of the film in the first half of the film failed to form a powerful torrent in the end, but instead became a torrent. A fault like a joke.

"Mission Impossible 5: Mysterious Nation" did not disappoint, and indeed did not exceed expectations. The popcorn of the brand of Atang still has the same formula and the same taste.

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Extended Reading

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation quotes

  • Ethan Hunt: And option three?

    Ilsa Faust: Come away with me. Right now.

    Luther Stickell: Oh, boy.

  • Lane: Twice now you've let him slip away. Curious.

    Ilsa Faust: Are you questioning my loyalty or my ability?

    Lane: Can't decide.

    Ilsa Faust: I've told you before: Trust me, or kill me. But if you're gonna kill me be a man.

    [tosses Lane a bodyguard's gun]

    Ilsa Faust: Do it yourself.

    [Lane shoots guard next to Ilsa]