robot immortality

Vito 2022-03-19 09:01:04

The theory of this film is a common setting in science fiction. If you transfer your mind to a robot shell, you can become a robot forever, but there is another problem. If you transfer When you are not dead, then there will be two of you at this time. Transcendental hackers may talk a little more about this issue, even if the two you are the same when you just transferred, how do you do after a period of time? Prove that you are still you, not a piece of dead computer code, although it can perfectly imitate you, the Turing test is not a problem. Of course, this film knows that theory is a shortcoming, and he doesn't dwell on this issue, but simply tells that one technology house has fiddled with artificial intelligence, and another technology has fiddled with neural transmission, making chappie as creative as a human being , came up with the technology of neural transmission to make himself immortal.

At first glance, the things created by the black technology are stupid and big. For street fighting, the smaller the more flexible the appointment, the material of such a big thing is still the original material, it is a target, just like the tanks on the current battlefield. Just like a target. However, this technology cannot be said to be bad. It is very similar to the mecha in many novels, and it can be used for large-scale encounters or star wars. For street fighting, huh, can a bullet hit something that can't be seen well.

It's a bit low for a tech house to come up with artificial intelligence, and even have people teach him to recognize things one by one. Shouldn't this be stored as the most basic dictionary? Is it because Chabi is too high-end and can only use neural method memorized. . . And Chaby learns too fast at the beginning and too slow later.

In the end, when the technology house was transmitting, it died as soon as it was transmitted, and Chaby also hung up as soon as it was transmitted. My mother saved a backup in the U disk at the time of transmission. Whether it is still to be studied.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.