dystopian movie catalog

Adolphus 2022-03-17 09:01:04

The film does not know what to say, and it can be made more deeply.

By the way, the record is as follows ----------------------------------------

Dystopia (Dystopia) (also translated as "anti-utopia", "anti-topia" or "abolition of topia"), also for anti-utopia or cacotopia, kakotopia, according to the transliteration of the latter two, can also be translated as rough state. Opposite of Utopia (nothing), it refers to a place full of ugliness and misfortune.
This kind of society is full of peace on the surface, but it is full of various ills that cannot be controlled, such as class conflicts, shortage of resources, crime, persecution, etc., depicting a hopeless future. In the dystopian society described in some works, material civilization is rampant and higher than spiritual civilization, spiritual dependence is extremely controlled by material, and the human spirit has no real freedom in a highly developed technological society.
This type of novel usually narrates the proliferation of human technology, which on the surface improves the living standard of human beings, but in essence hides the weak and empty spiritual world. Possible worldview settings are: loss of human freedom, proliferation of material waste, moral decline, oppression of democracy (or alternative ways to create "democracy"), rampant class systems, rampant suicide, and so on. The method of story expression is mainly through some variables, such as artificial intelligence betrays human beings, "savages" are brought into the cultural world, etc., so that the protagonist understands that human civilization has become rigid or corrupted, and leads himself to destruction, and the protagonist will learn from it. Make your own choices.

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Extended Reading

The Divergent Series: Insurgent quotes

  • Evelyn: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I always loved watching him sleep. I take it you're setting out to Candor in the morning?

    Tris: Yeah.

    Evelyn: Listen, I only want what's best for him.

    Tris: You hardly even know him.

    Evelyn: You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? But deep down, I think you're scared I know him all too well.

    Tris: I'm not scared.

    Evelyn: Of course you are. You're scared he'll finally see you for what you really are. Deadly. You don't believe me? Ask him.

  • Four: I know you think Caleb is your responsibility, but he made his own choice. You can't protect everyone.

    Tris: I can't protect anyone.

    Four: Nobody can. Him leaving isn't your fault. None of this is your fault. Johanna was right. You have to forgive yourself.

    Tris: Thank you.