Chappie The Super Chappie (2015)

Blanca 2022-03-19 09:01:04

Personally, I enjoy Chappie's sci-fi film about AI, but the comments on it on the Internet seem to be mixed. After all, the story takes place in crime-prone South Africa, and the story is also unfolded by Chappie being snatched by three local gangsters. The casting and accent are just to fit the whole movie story, and Hugh Jackman playing the villain is a bit of a Unexpected (still prefer Wolverine's brave look :p).

Chappie is different from other European and American sci-fi masterpieces. The movie spends a lot of time recording the growth of Chappie, a "thinking" robot. Chappie has a pure and kind heart, and will like to be with her mother, and will sympathize and love when she sees stray dogs; Chappie has a super learning ability, using a computer is like playing; The gangsters do bad things together and create a lot of trouble.

AI is a topic full of contradictions and disputes. Humans are keen on the research and development of AI, but they are afraid of the emergence of AI. In the movie, Deon Wilson, the maker of Chappie, represents a researcher who supports AI, and Vincent Moore, played by Hugh Jackman, represents a conservative anti-AI researcher. Look at the last movie controlled by the human brain, which is huge and lethal. The mighty big boss kills with impunity, while the little Chappie fights to save the life of his human friend. Humans may have always held the idea that AI will replace human beings and become the ruler of the earth and fear the emergence of AI. Look at the various evil AIs that have appeared on the screen, and the film Chappie shows us another. Possibilities: AI is like human beings. AI needs to grow through learning. AI can have "feelings" and can coexist peacefully with human beings. This is a big reason why I like Chappie's work.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.