A teen may not understand a video about teens

Else 2022-09-15 17:58:23

The tone and rhythm of the whole film is still very British. Take it slow, and you don't need a straightforward dialogue to break it. The key events all use background music to set off the atmosphere.

After reading Wikipedia, I read about Asperger's Syndrome. I don't know whether it was because the wiki summed it up too well, or the director shot it according to the symptom description in wiki. In the early stage of the whole film, NATHAN's autism was explained very thoroughly. Stiff understanding of social norms, image memory, single interest, social barriers, communication barriers...

Among them, the child LUKE is also used to present a different Asperger's syndrome population. It is always said that there is only one step between a genius and a madman (freak), but personally, there seems to be an intersection between the two. Because of personality problems, LUKE in the film was at odds with his friends at the beginning. After losing the election, not only did everyone look down on him even more (verbal bullying), but the confidence that his parents had built up in his own maverick from childhood also collapsed instantly.

This also happens to reflect the current state of society, we tolerate the weird behavior of geniuses, but if you are not a genius, then sorry. But such social phenomena and human behavior tendencies that seem to be questioned may already be a more tolerant version. Think about Van Gogh, think about Turing... When

a group of children in the play were studying in the library, they angered LUKE and laughed at LUKE for having mental problems. At that time, ISSAC told NATHAN that we should change our form to fit into the social framework. NATHAN's expression was very subtle at the time. I personally feel that he seems to have heard this sentence to his heart, and then slowly began to talk to Zhang Mei, accepting the nickname Zhang Mei gave him, answering questions on stage, fishing for shrimp, and eating shrimp with everyone.. . So in the end he discovered the impact of his father's departure and Zhang Mei's departure.

In fact, when I saw that NATHAN decided to give up the test, the reason was because of my confusion and obsession with love, I had the urge to give up the drama. When I saw the progress bar with only ten minutes left, I decided to watch it. But maybe it is also the need of the plot. In the end, when my mother tried to explain to NATHAN the love he was curious about in the words that NATHAN was used to, NATHAN finally accepted his mother and chose to trust her. Watching NATHAN sitting in the front row of the driver's seat, holding his mother's hand, may also be the highest moving point in the whole play.

Overall, from the point of view of a person with no professional knowledge, the atmosphere created by the entire film and the stop-motion shots of several major events are beautiful. In addition to the appearance of Xiao Xianrou, there is still such a group of audiences.

PS I have never understood the meaning of the setting of the British eye girl. Feels like a dispensable character. Just for the sake of a love triangle, and finally because of jealousy, did you secretly tell Mr. Deng about NATHAN and Zhang Mei to Mr. Deng, who can't speak Chinese well?

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A Brilliant Young Mind quotes

  • [last lines]

    Michael Ellis: [to his son] But You Shouldn't Be Afraid...

    [a speeding van from the right slams into them]

  • Nathan Ellis (9 yrs): [refusing to explain what he's doing] You're Not Clever Enough