Escape from the clone island

Graham 2022-03-22 09:01:16

It should be regarded as a very old movie. I remember I watched it when I was in high school, but now I finally have a chance to watch it.
Perhaps in the eyes of all employees, all the people living here are different. They cannot be regarded as real people, but only as products. So they seemed indifferent when they saw these people being killed one by one.
In order to live, a person is willing to do anything, especially when he feels that his life is more valuable than others. How many people are really willing to leave this world and enter that cold land.
Just a mark can make him change his approach. What kind of inner tingling and painful memories, once others did not regard him as human beings, when he saw that other people were not regarded as human beings, the feelings in it seemed to be instantaneous. It broke out, so get out of money and everything.

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The Island quotes

  • McCord: No, no, no, no, no... That's the worst idea I've ever heard. Do you have any idea how *dead* I would be? Not to mention *fired*.

  • Merrick: We control them with the memory of a shared event. A global contamination. It keeps them fearful of going outside. The Island is the one thing that gives them hope. Gives them purpose. Everything we expose them to their programs, their cartoons, books, the games they play are designed to manage aggression and reinforce simple social skills. To avoid obvious complications they aren 't imprinted with an awareness of sex. We find it simpler to eliminate the drive altogether. In a very real sense they're like children. Educated to the level of a 15-year-old.