This is a movie like durian

Gussie 2022-03-18 09:01:03

I found that people who watched this film either liked it very much or didn't like it very much, and it's easy to see the differences in people's personalities here. Because I think this film is filled with the brutal sense of humor and aesthetics of a low-cost B-grade film. People with this sense of humor naturally make a case, while those who don’t often don’t understand how to explain it, just like the world’s favorite food. Durian people regard it as the best delicacy in the world, and people who don't like durian avoid it.

I have always had a strong taste and love durian, so I also love this movie. AI is an inescapable subject in this century. Many people compare chappie and Machina. Personally, I think they are both very good movies, and there is no competition. The characteristics of chappie are that they are fun, good-looking and fast-paced. Many people criticize them. I don't care about the "technical bullshit" part, because there are two kinds of sci-fi in the world, either the academic type of the Arthur Clarke type, or the wandering type of the Adam Douglas type. , one is absurd, but their core themes are often the same, that is, the discussion of physics that has risen to the philosophical level. In my opinion, these science fictions are all diehards, and they are not on the same level as the Wilson Martian. discussed (even if Wilson is classified as a SF guru, and his work appears to be scientific--at least more scientific than Douglas Adams' mad crap, I still only consider him a novelist rather than a sci-fi because he discusses ethics , is the category of sociology, not physics.) Although chappie is also very sloppy in details, it has created an AI phenomenon that completely subverts ethics-the whole film is giving the middle finger to caution.

It seems low-level, but it's not an easy thing to do. It's like beheading someone and taking a headshot can look good. You can let Rodriguez do it, but it's impossible to comment on domestic anti-Japanese dramas. . The part of the screenwriter's nonsense is actually not mentioned even in Machina - how AI was formed - because Ya didn't create it, everyone doesn't know it, so it's more daring to talk nonsense than to leave blank. .

And chappie is simple and rude, and the pen is smooth, but it has played a role in increasing the commerciality, and at the same time, it also allows the audience's attention to focus on a higher level of problems beyond the technical problems - that is, technical problems After solving (after the AI ​​is made) what is it. This is a philosophical question.

Physics is the science that tries to explain God. Physics that cannot be proved in the laboratory is called philosophy, and in my opinion is the highest pursuit of hard science fiction. Chappie cleverly left blank on this philosophical aspect, and this blank is not without foreshadowing, all the details are for the last blank. Just like all the details of Machina are to show off its own blank.

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.