small indie film

Jess 2022-03-16 09:01:03

The concept is very strong, and it feels like a live-action abstract fantasy animation short drama. There are many Japanese styles in a short time and intriguing. It has a beginning and no end. By the end of the film, it creates a potentially grand beginning. People daydream.

Unless it can be made into an epic macro sci-fi series, which will be a groundbreaking opening drama, this one is just a qualified new sci-fi micro-movie, which is slightly thin; The content and connotation, especially the first third of them did not properly reflect the ethical and emotional conflicts since the introduction of new technology species, which is not enough to support a full sci-fi movie.

However, the main theme expressed at the end of this Chappie really whetted my appetite. This visual style from the real to the explicit "dirty, messy, poor" from the "Ninth District" lineage seems to be showing a transition. , the transition of the human world into a more advanced level of technology seems to herald a change.

Amid the inevitable vicissitudes of events, the entire modern civilization will finally enter the imagined sci-fi era, which will be an exciting opening, as I said before, epic grandeur; at the same time It is by no means what one or two movies can express. Just look at Marvel. Before the story is more complete, it is difficult not to be complained about the comic book movie. Therefore, if no one can make this story wonderfully round, in my opinion, this film can only be called an unconventional sci-fi movie, nothing more~

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.