A lot of management loopholes ah. .

Lucinda 2022-03-15 09:01:03

A factory that produces police smart weapons and equipment, the security measure is just to swipe a card (compare with the security measures of CTU in "24 Hours"..);
this factory that produces police smart robots, the core confidential firmware U shield (to be honest, I think that the prop is completely painted by Logitech's U-connected receiver), any R&D engineer can take it away at will without any approval system (black glasses brother can, Wolverine can also although It was gone when he went to
get it); as long as you get the U-shield that you can get at will, the core operating program of the intelligent police machine produced by this factory can actually be remotely updated directly from the factory laboratory; Hugh Jackman just killed them, but a different version would obviously allow these robocops to rob and kill. .
Alas, can't these obvious loopholes be made more rigorous?

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Chappie quotes

  • Chappie: I just want to live.

  • Chappie: I can save us.