Leaders who participated in the condolences and sat in the front row of the podium included (in alphabetical order): Daario Naharis, Jorah Mormont, Hizdahr Loraq. Missandei, Director of the General Office of Longban, accompanied the visit. According to foreign reports, Tyrion Lannister, who is sitting in the front row but has no actual position, will be the new Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Meereen. Plus, the continued absence of Grey Worm continues to draw attention.
Second Edition: Long Disciplinary Committee Fights Tiger Again – Hizdahr Loraq was investigated for corruption, died normally during the investigation, and all property was confiscated.
Reviewer Article: Valar Morghulis - Tolerable and Unbearable - Resolutely Fight Sons of The Harpy's Arrogance!
Financial Edition: The Iron Bank was considering lowering the sovereign credit rating of the G7, and the G7 Finance Minister Mace Tyrell went to Braavos to mediate.
Social Edition: John Snow, Commander-in-Chief of Night Watch, announced the implementation of a new round of immigration reform bills, the main contents of which include amnesty for illegal immigrants and continued increase in the Great Wall skilled immigration quota. It is reported that the bill has been strongly resisted by conservatives.
Legal version: Is it because of character or system defect? What drove the two Queens before and after to embark on the road of crime? - In-depth investigation of royal duty crimes.
Character interview: "Confession is lenient, resistance is strict"; "Unite the majority, isolate the very few"; "It's not unreported, the time is not up" - Queen of Thorns in-depth interview Bishop High Sparrow
Entertainment Edition: "Who is the most beautiful in the world “Women” – Interview with Bronn, the
fashion version of the cute little sand snake : the latest fashion of street style fans this summer – Bohemian (Princess Myrcelle) vs. Dragon Mother
Real Estate Edition: Take you into the top waterfront mansions in the Seven Kingdoms – Dorne Water Gardens
Food Edition: "Too much trouble" - Can Arya Stark tell you that oysters can be eaten raw?
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