The CEO cursed by Disney fans

Evangeline 2022-03-20 09:01:30

Source of this article: Bad
Guy FM / Wang Meijie (British Egg)

Recently, the movie "Tomorrowland" starring George Clooney is being released in theaters. Today we will talk about a song in this movie- — "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow", which I translate as "a big, big, beautiful tomorrow."

If you understand the story behind this song, you will find that it is quite correct for the movie to choose its soundtrack. First of all, I have to talk about the plot: In the movie, all kinds of awesome people such as Edison and Tesla created a Tomorrowland together (it is rumored that Walt Disney, the founder of Disney, is also one of the founders), and then Tomorrowland disappeared, So it is necessary for Clooney to play the role of savior to save the world. The key word in this synopsis is actually Walt Disney, and this "A Huge, Beautiful Tomorrow" is actually inextricably linked to Disney. What's the connection? In fact, this song is the theme song of two Disney attractions, one is the large revolving theater that is now Disney's Magic Kingdom, and the other is Disney's game-free innovation exhibition. In addition, it is also used in the horizon scenic spot of Futurama Theme Park, one of Disney's four major theme parks. But as Mr. Zuo Xiao said, things are far from being as simple as you think. After careful verification, I was surprised to find that the fate of this theme song was not ordinary. Its bumpy history.

1. The bumpy relocation history of the

revolving theater It has been said before that the revolving theater is a Disney attraction, and this "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" was originally the theme song composed by the Sherman brothers for the revolving theater, and later became a 1964 theme song. The theme song for the American World Expo.

The revolving theater has a complicated history: it closed in 1973 and moved to the Magic Kingdom in 1975. The original location was replaced by a new attraction - America Sings, later known as the revolving theatre (although it also closed in 1988). By the way, America Sings was vacant for 10 years, only to be brought back into use when "Tomorrowland" opened on May 22, 1998.

2. The story of the rough replacement of the theme song

The fate of "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow" is much more complicated than that of the revolving theater, because it has been replaced four times in total!

The lead singer of the original version of the song was Rex Allen, a buddy whose job was as a narrator at Disney, but he also dubbed the animatronic characters in Disney attractions.

After the 1964 World Expo, the song came to Disneyland with the revolving theater; in 1974, General Electric, as a sponsor of the revolving theater, developed a new theme song for the attraction - a song "The Sherman Brothers", also composed by the Sherman brothers. Best Time Of Your Life, this is the first time to change the theme song; in 1982, GM planned to change the theme song for the second time to "New Horizons", which was still composed by the Sherman brothers, but it was finally written by the CEO of General Electric. The song was replaced, and the CEO, who had to change the song he wrote at random, angered a large number of Disney fans; later, in 1986, Disney finally changed sponsors, so the theme song was changed for the third time; but In 1994, Disney finally realized that the past was good, so for the fourth time, the theme song was replaced with the original "There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow", and the revolving theater was officially named Disney's large revolving theater. "Big, Big, Beautiful Tomorrow" has also been re-recorded, and the magical pair of Sherman brothers wrote the lyrics for the new version. So far, after 30 years, the theme song of the revolving theater is finally over.

Later, the magical Sherman brothers actually gave an interview, and they said that this song full of optimism and enthusiasm is actually the brothers' understanding of Walt Disney: "It's a song that belongs to Disney, because he always faces it positively. The future. "The

relocation is bumpy and the name change is not easy, but it ends with a lyric from this song: "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of every day."

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Extended Reading

Tomorrowland quotes

  • Athena: You made this yourself?

    Nix: Athena, what are you doing here?

    Athena: Did you, or didn't you?

    Young Frank Walker: Uh, what?

    Athena: Did you make this yourself?

    Young Frank Walker: Yeah?

    Athena: Why?

    Young Frank Walker: I guess I got tired of waiting around for someone else to do it for me?

  • [after the whole sequence where young Frank first arrives in Tomorrowland]

    Frank Walker: And then everything went to hell...

    Casey Newton: Oh boy...

    Frank Walker: Well it did...

    Casey Newton: So you gave them like one second of blue skies and jetpacks and hope...

    Frank Walker: It's important! They need to know the stakes!

    Casey Newton: I think they can figure out clocks counting down are bad.

    Frank Walker: Do you want to tell the story?

    Casey Newton: No, you're doing fine.

    Frank Walker: Because if you think you can tell the story better, I would absolutely love to hear you try...

    Casey Newton: Wow really?

    Frank Walker: Really!

    Casey Newton: Well I guess technically I am more qualified...

    Frank Walker: Are you? How so?

    Casey Newton: Because unlike you... I'm an optimist.